Saturday, March 1, 2025



The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday February 13, 2025 with meeting called to order at 6:57PM by Supervisor Garretson

Pledge to the Flag was said

Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson-Supervisor P
Jim Johnson-Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker-Councilperson p    
Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P
Holly Waterfield-P
Highway Superintendent Marty Field-P
Mary Beth Flint-P

Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.    

Presentation of invoices and payments:
1    Stericycle, Inc $77.09pd
2    Ricoh USA Inc $72.86
3    Mosert, Manzanero & Scott LLP $4,750.00pd
4    Public Goods Pool $277.00pd
5    Medicare Part A $9,730.00pd
6    Bassett Healthcare $61,589.99pd
7    Ricoh USA Inc $21.75pd
8    Quill Corporation $949.08pd
9    Quill Corporation $51.99pd
10    Leona Johnson $140.00pd

1    Town Tax Collector $122.50pd
2    Elan Financial Services $26.20pd
3    Millers Cleaning Service $842.40pd
4    Bruce Hall Corp $94.52pd
5    RL Parsons Inc $3,286.66pd
6    The Daily Star $175.09pd
7    Hometown Hauling $43.25pd
8    Spectrotel $704.16pd
9    State Comptroller $9,292.00pd
10    Otsego Telephone System Inc $650.00pd
11    Tolls by Mail $2.49pd
12    Emerson Testing LLC $350.00pd
13    Charter Communications $279.98pd
14    Charter Communications $84.95pd
15    National Grid $739.06pd
16    Excellus BC/BS $329.09pd
17    American Wholesalers $139.89pd
18    Mary Beth Flint $25.10pd
19    Rentolkil Pest Control $55.00pd
20    Constellation Newenergy Inc $8.22pd
21    Cintas Corporation #121 $378.06pd
22    United Healthcare $17.65pd
23    National Grid $27.03pd
24    Williamson Law Book Company $995.00pd
25    Gates Cole Associates $46,395.06pd
26    NYS Retirement System $18,074.00pd

Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 None
Item 3 (814-829)
Item 4 (225-228)

Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson Waterfield seconded the motion.  The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted.   All in favor 5 ayes 0 nay

Presentation of Invoices and Payments:
•    Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances

Misc. information to the Town Clerk:
•    tsego County Sales Tax for the month of DEC $11,768.85
•    Motion to re-appoint Kassie Cade as Town Assessor is made by Councilperson VanDerwerker 2nd by Councilperson Johnson all in favor 5 ayes 0 nays

Community Center Alden Field and Park:
•    Biddy basketball practices and games continue
•    Reservations are up for February and March

Health Center:
•    January Expense $87,224/Revenue $92,542
•    Annual audit will be on file at the Town Clerk’s office

•    Town and Village Board Minutes and info-
•    Letter from the Village was received and the Village has decided to dissolve their affiliation with the Town Planning Board.
Highway Department
•    Highway Superintendent Field reports we are doing ok with Salt
•    New Hire, Scott is doing great.
•    One truck is still in Watertown no idea when it will be back in Cherry Valley

Resolution 2025-3 NYSDOT Snow and Ice Contract-Revised 2024-10

Proposed Action:  Snow and Ice Contract Extension 2019/2020-between NYSDOT and the Town of Cherry Valley

Whereas, the NYSDOT and the Town of Cherry Valley have entered into agreement #D014845 entitled :Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Town of Cherry valley dated July 1st 2019, and

Whereas, the present term of the agreement as previously extended, expires June 30th 2024, and

Whereas, the said agreement provides for an annual update of the estimated expenditure to be determined by NYSDOT, and

Now, therefore be it resolved:  The aforementioned agreement between the NYSDOT and the Town of Cherry Valley is hereby extended for a period of five years; now to expire on June 30th 2029, and

Further be it resolved:  To execute the NYSDOT Municipal 24/25 Supplemental Agreement for 12.6 lane miles for each year of this 5-year extension period and for the remainder of the term of the agreement, unless changed by a future update.

Motion to adopt Resolution 2025-3 is made by Councilperson Cornwell 2nd by Councilperson VanDerwerker  

Roll call vote is taken:  Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes  5-ayes 0-nays  Resolution 2025-3 is duly carried.

Resolution 2025-4 Carson Power Escrow Account-Request for Funds
Summery:  If Carson Power decides to proceed with the project they are going to have to send the Town of Cherry Valley more money for a required escrow account.  This resolution was drawn up by John Lyons, Attorney for the Solar project.

Resolution on file at the Town Clerk’s office for review

Motion to adopt Resolution 2025-4 is made by Councilperson Cornwell 2nd by Councilperson Waterfield  

Councilperson Cornwell gave a brief overview of the Solar Project and the current Resolution voted on at tonight’s board meeting.

Roll call vote is taken:  Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes  5-ayes 0-nays  Resolution 2025-4 is duly carried

The Town Board will act as the zoning board of appeals for review of the project.  This will be a separate open meeting to be determined at a later date.

Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2 minute limit per request

SG=Supervisor Garretson
Statement/questions with no name-unidentified persons

Question from Lynn Marsh stated she was at the County agriculture committee meeting and they do not support the solar project.  How much weight does that carry for the Town Board? Answer Frank McGrath-planning board; stated the town received a letter from the State Ag&Markets which was nice to have, however the planning board review goes through a very structured process and everything has to comply with our Solar Law.  That is our go to document.  

Question from Phil Durkin when will we see actual monthly revenue?  Answer SG probably by March or April.  There is an option as a tax payer of the public petition seeking a permissive referendum; town law chapter 62 article 7 permissive referendum section 92 proposition for the submission for acts or resolutions, if we have a public petition requesting that the town put this  on the November ballot whether to keep or close the health center.  This would need to be done by August 4 to get on the November Ballot.  The County will only accept the petition if it comes from the town board.  The petition itself will not be accepted if submitted any other way.

Question from David VanDerwerker stated he spoke to the Town Supervisor last month after the TB meeting and you thought that taxes would go down at least by 20% with the bond that was taken out by the Town to help cover health center expenses?   Answer SG the bond was not for the health center expenses.  Will the taxes go down if revenue continues to come like this it won’t be a problem.  We will have to decide how much is enough.  It is too early to tell if revenue will meet expenses at this point.  DV-Where did that money go that didn’t get paid to Bassett that the bond was taken out for?  SG-it went to support the health center in 2021 and 2022.  In hind sight the money should have been set aside as Bassett would have caught up to us eventually.  SG to answer your question if the health center were to close taxes would go down.

Statement from Eric Adamoschek there is a couple of different ways people are looking at this, people want the health center to remain open no matter what, others want the health center to continue but be completely separate form the town if it is privatized and then there are people who want to ax it because they don’t trust the process entirely.  In my opinion is that the health center remains and has nothing to do with the town anymore.  Unless something radically changes it may be time to let go.  At some time, it is time to let go, 25 years to me seems like plenty of time to pull yourself together and get it done.  So, if there is a referendum that says we close the health center and or the third option is to have the town to divest from the health center.

Statement from Pam Noonan following up on what Eric said it seems to me there should be parallel tracks right now rather than wait until the end of the year and then have done nothing to anticipate what our next steps would be in the concept to keep the health center open and not putting it on the tax payers back. I understand there is a committee could you speak to what the committee is doing?  Answer SG-to my knowledge the committee is doing just that looking at they are looking at three different directions as stated by Eric.  PN-When you determine the taxes what month is that?  We need to be ready to launch one of those three ways.  SG even if it went private which it would have to if the town is out of it completely, the health center would still close as the new clinic would need that time to reopen.  It could be up to a year.  PN-I don’t think we can handle another tax increase. It is our hope that the increase was for built on 2023 and not again for 2024.  It was implied that this is a one and done tax hit.  At what point are you going to build the next tax revenue I am not clear on when that is?  SG we put the budget together at the end of August.

Question when do you get the audit from the Health Center?  SG-the audit for 2024 comes in December 2024.

Question is there an internal financial statement for 2024 for revenue and expenses we could look at now?  SG-I can give you that.  Statement-because the patient revenues in 2023 were so significantly less in 2023 than 2022 and 2021, perhaps the money being collected now is a rebound from bad collections in 2023.  SG from what I understand if you don’t file claims within 90 days you can’t file the claim with the insurance company.  Caryn McGovern-health center employee stated Sue has been negotiating with some of the insurance companies to allow some of the back billing to be recognized. SG-is being put in contact with legal counsel at Bassett as some information is not shareable due to patient confidentiality.  We will do the best we can.  Expenses for the health center in 2024 were $807,728 revenue $231,943 obviously that has to change.

Statement Expenses for 2020 $736,510 revenue $479,899 for a loss of $256,611 For 2021 Expenses $578,000 revenue $486,000 for a loss of $92,000  For 2022 expenses $727,000 revenue $385,000 for a loss of $342,000 2023 and 2024 is where it gets bad, 2023 expenses $719,000 revenue $146,000 for a loss of $572,000.  2024 expenses $807,728 revenue $231943 for a loss of 575,000.

Tammy Saba has two questions;  If the budget that you mention for January where there looks to be a bit of a net gain, does this include $150,000 annual fee for tech assistant for the new DRAFT ONLY TB MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2025

billing?  SG-no they have not started with the new billing system yet.  That bill included in January was for December.  I have not received the January bill yet. TS so in fact that $150,000 might kick in will that be prorated over 12 months’ time?  SG-yes  TS so that has to be factored in to our way of thinking for the next year.  Second question TS who are the members on the committee and how was that formed?  SG has been foiled by a few people Lisa Heinrich is on the committee.  Lisa stated it is a solid committee that everyone’s interest here is being well represented.  Lisa stated she doesn’t feel comfortable naming names as they are not here to identify themselves.  There are people on the committee that have medical billing experiences, business experiences, people of long term community experience.  This committee is not a legitimate town committee. This committee has no power.  All they do is recommend to the health center board what could be done.  The committee is working on the three tracks mention previously.

Statement someone formed that committee it didn’t just pop up out of nowhere.

Statement-The committee formed organically and they do not have any power.  You are welcomed to join the committee.

Question-Is the health center board going to seriously consider some of the ideas that this committee presents?  LH-yes they will consider the suggestions.  

Statement from Frank McGrath next HC board meeting isn’t until April.  This may be to late to implement the suggestion.  Time is critical.  Next meeting for the HC is not set in stone and emergency meeting can be scheduled before April.  Lisa Heinrich stated she wants everyone to know everyone on the committee is working very hard.

Question-Pam Noonan what is the status of EMS service in Cherry Valley?  What should we be doing?  SG and Councilperson Waterfield stated there are two county operated ambulances that are circulating throughout the County 24/7 and you should be contacting the County 911.  PN stated so the wait could be life threatening. Should we be funding an EMS person?

Question from Andy Minnig would some compensations be viable for an EMS service?  Statement from public present you are talking about the town taking on a liability. You are talking about a paid service at that point. A paid service would be costly.  A discussion continued among several people in the room.

Statement I wanted to go back to the short falls of the health center we were losing 6 figures in the past 5 years and suddenly in January we made $5,000 on the health center and revenue is $5,000 higher than the expense so what changed?  Lisa Heinrich answered this question these are artificial numbers because your expenses are the same in January but now that we can bill back 90 days so the numbers are going to be artificial.  What could be billed in each month.  The accounting is done on a cash basis.  A small discussion continued with the public present in the room.

Motion made by Councilperson Waterfield to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Councilperson Cornwell

There being no further business meeting adjourned at 8:57PM.

Next Town Board meeting will be Thursday, March 13, 2025 7:00PM

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk
Town Board meeting was recorded




  DRAFT ONLY TB MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 2025 The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday February 13, 2025 with...