Saturday, January 9, 2010

Resolution # 2009-2

Resolution of the Cherry Valley Town Board

Proposed Action: Amendment to change the Snow and Ice Agreement signed on November 8th 2007

Whereas, due to the severity of the winter and the high cost of fuel during the 2007/ 2008 season, this municipality request that the Municipal Snow and Ice Agreement estimated expenditure be revised to reflect the additional lane miles of state roads that were plowed and or treated during the afore mentioned season, and the additional costs associated with the higher fuel prices, and

Whereas, all terms and conditions of the original contract extension remain in effect except the original estimated expenditure of $ 34,990.54 will have an additional adjustment of $ 21,447.68 for a revised estimated expenditure of $ 56,438.21, and

Now, therefore be it resolved, this board authorizes Thomas Garretson - Supervisor to enter into amendment B which will adjust the 2007 / 2008 snow and ice contract for a revised payment factor with the New York State Department of Transportation

Resolution # 2009-2 January 8th 2009

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