The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday December 12, 2024 with meeting called to order at 6:54PM by Supervisor Garretson
Pledge to the Flag was said
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson-Supervisor P
Jim Johnson-Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker-Councilperson p
Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P
Holly Waterfield-Excused
Highway Superintendent Marty Field-P
Mary Beth Flint-P
Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.
Presentation of invoices and payments:
105 Quill Corporation $95.86pd
106 Spectrotel $431.26pd
107 Ricoh USA Inc $77.86pd
108 Smile Makers $34.96pd
109 National Grid $327.33pd
110 Stericycle Inc $70.65pd
111 Bassett Healthcare $65,344.56pd
112 Ricoh USA Inc $23.08pd
113 Public Goods Pool $527.00pd
114 Quill Corporation $108.20pd
230 Elan Financial Services $21.59pd
231 Ellen Lasalle $206.58pd
232 Bruce Hall Corp $87.83pd
233 Hometown Hauling $43.25pd
234 RL Parsons Inc $2,183.46pd
235 Millers Cleaning Service $907.20pd
236 A Rose is a Rose $60.00pd
237 Grant and Lyons LLP $4,720.00pd
238 The Daily Star $143.10pd
239 Spectrotel $399.97pd
240 Charter Communications $84.95pd
241 Charter Communications $279.98pd
242 National Grid $468.92pd
243 Constellation Newenergy Inc $4.37pd
244 Cintas Corporation #121 $462.79pd
245 Excellus BCBS $329.09pd
246 Rentolkil Pest Control $55.00pd
247 Village Photography $1,736.12pd
248 Otsego Computer Experts $1,050.00pd
249 United Healthcare $17.65pd
250 Hummels Office Plus $28.70pd
251 Otsego Computer Experts $50.00pd
252 Jeff Stiles Contractor $1,272.00pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (335)
Item 3 (799-806)
Item 4 (219-220)
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 4 ayes 0 nay
Presentation of Invoices and Payments:
• Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances
Misc. information to the Town Clerk:
• Otsego County Sales Tax for the month of OCT $8,213.27
• Otsego County Mortgage Tax distribution $3,722.21
Community Center Alden Field and Park:
• Biddy basketball practices continue
• Modified basketball practices continue
• Rentals are up
Health Center:
• Switching to the Athena billing system which will be linked to the Bassett billing system.
• Frank McGrath inquired about the $350,000 owed to Bassett does the Town have to pay the past due invoices. Answer is yes.
Phil Durkin inquired about the 2016 Health Center audit found on the Comptroller’s website regarding $200,000 deficit. The Health Center is audited yearly, the 2016 audit was most likely part of the Town being audited that year. Mr. Durkin quoted a paragraph from the August 26 2016 comptroller’s audit which stated; The Board and Supervisor have not effectively assessed the impact of the health center on the Town’s financial condition. As a result, the health center has required over $200,000 of Town resources over the last three completed fiscal years to sustain operations. Our audit results are based on financial information obtained from source documents and the restatement of the Town’s financial records because the Town’s reported annual financial information was not accurate. The Supervisor is not maintaining separate accounting records for the health center’s activity and some costs are not allocated to the health center accordingly. The health center’s activity is recorded in the general fund using a single line item for all revenues and a single line item for all expenditures. For the past three years, the health center and Town have had the following results of operations. Furthermore, while the results show deficits for the health center for the last three years, additional expenditures have not been correctly recorded or allocated to the health center. For example, for 2015, we found the following expenditures were either not allocated to the health center or not recorded properly. It is imperative that Town officials continue to monitor the health center’s operations using accurate financial information to minimize the impact on the Town’s financial condition. Is this what is happening now?
Councilperson Cornwell explained that at the time of that audit the Health Center was not separated out of the general fund. Now the accounting of the Health Center is separated out so the board can see where the money goes. Now the board can see where the HC loses the money.
Who is on the Board for the Health Center; Stan King, PJ Johnson, Janet McCarty, Tom Garretson and Elletta Horth.
• Andy Minnig asked how much does it cost to run the Health Center yearly. Answer $500,000. Mr. Minnig wanted clarification on why the Town failed to receive the invoices from Bassett. Answer Supervisor Garretson never received them. Unfortunately, the insurance companies are not reimbursing the full amount for services therefore the Town makes up the deficit. Supervisor Garretson is hopeful the new billing system will help correct the deficit to cover 2/3rd of the expense. Tax payers would cover 1/3rd of the expense.
• Town and Village Board Minutes and info- www.cherryvalleyny.us
Town Planning:
• Frank McGrath reported Mr. Hollister attended the Joint Planning Boad meeting to bring his concerns forward regarding Swarty’s Campground expansion. The Joint Planning Board never received anything from Swarty’s.. A letter will be sent to Swarty’s from the Joint Planning Board asking what the plan is for their expansion to the campground. Mr. Hollister inquired about an enforcement officer for the Town.
• The lawyer for the Carson project stated the JPB should do nothing until Article 78 is resolved. Article 78 is on hold per the lawyer hired by the board for the Carson project. The reason for this is because Carson is seeking a variance.
• Lorraine Bosma resigned from the board due to personal reasons
• Cierra Utter will also be resigning pending her move out of the Town of Cherry Valley
• The Joint Planning Board membership may need to be revisited from 7-5 in the future.
Highway Department:
• New hire will start January 1, 2025, Scott Flint
Resolution 2024-10 NYSDOT of the Town of Cherry Valley
Proposed Action: Snow and Ice Contract Extension 2019/2020-between NYSDOT and the Town of Cherry Valley
WHEREAS, the NYSDOT and the Town of Cherry Valley have entered into agreement #D014845 entitled “Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Town of Cherry valley dated July 1st 2019, and
WHEREAS, the present term of the agreement as previously extended, expires June 30th 2024, and
Whereas, the said agreement provides for an annual update of the estimated expenditure to be determined by NYSDOT, and
Now, therefore be it resolved: The aforementioned agreement between the NYSDOT and the Town of Cherry Valley is hereby extended for a period of five years; now to expires on June 30th 2029, and
Further be it resolved: The estimated expenditure of the agreement shall be $147,283.99 for 12.6 lane miles for each year of this 5 year extension period and for the remainder of the term of the agreement, unless changed by a future update.
On a motion to accept Resolution 2024-10 NYSDOT by Councilperson, Cornwell, 2nd by Councilperson VanDerwerker, the forgoing resolution was adopted a vote of 4Ayes, 0 Nays
Roll Call Vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-absent. 4-Ayes 0- Nays Resolution 2024-10 is duly carried.
Resolution 2024-11 of the Town of Cherry Valley
Proposed Resolution: Authorizing the implementation and funding for the costs of a transportation project, which may be eligible for federal-aid and /or state-aid, or reimbursement from Bridge NY funds
Resolved: Please see attached. (Copy is available in the Town Clerks Office)
Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-11 made by Councilperson Johnson, seconded by Councilperson VanDerwerker all in favor 4-Ayes 0-Nays.
Roll Call Vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-absent. 4-Ayes 0- Nays Resolution 2024-11 is duly carried.
Supervisor Garretson reported per the Lawyer representing the Town Board in the Carson project, the Town Board will have to act as the zoning law of appeals for the future variance on the Carson project.
Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2 minute limit per request
Andy Minnig asked the question what is the rite of way on the highway? Answer 24.6 feet from the center of the road for the highway department. Rite of way is not the same as property line. Property line starts at the center of the road. Highway department cannot go beyond 24.6 feet from the center of the road.
Motion made by Councilperson Cornwell to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Councilperson Vanderwerker
There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.
Next Town Board Annual Organizational meeting will be Thursday, January 09, 2025 7:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk
Town Board meeting was recorded
Cherry Valley Town Meeting Minutes
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Motion to open the Public Hearing for the Tax Cap Override is made by Councilperson Johnson 2nd by Councilperson Cornwell. Public Hearing opened at 6:36PM
Question asked by Phil Durkin regarding the Health Center revenue how is that found? Supervisor Garretson replied the billing system is antiquated and is being replaced as well as hiring a medical biller to try to retrieve revenue. Does the Health Center have a board and do they have minutes that are posted online? Supervisor Garretson didn’t think they are posted online but the minutes can be foiled if desired.
Andy Minnig stated historically the Health Care Center is supposed to break even. Supervisor Garretson stated it hasn’t in about 25 years. Mr. Minnig went on to say the health center accepts patients outside the Cherry Valley area. To a degree the health care center denies residents services because they are oversubscribed. The health center is asking the residents to subsidize for non-residents. Supervisor Garretson is going to give it a year with the new billing system and biller to see if the health center will break even otherwise it is not fair to the taxpayers to keep the health center afloat.
Motion made by Councilperson VanDerwerker to close the public hearing for the Tax Cap Override 2nd by Councilperson Waterfield All in favor 5-ayes 0-nays
Public hearing closed at 7:00PM
The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday November 14, 2024 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson
Pledge to the Flag was said
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson-Supervisor P
Jim Johnson-Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker-Councilperson p
Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P
Holly Waterfield-p
Highway Superintendent Marty Field-P
Mary Beth Flint-P
Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.
Presentation of invoices and payments:
95 Ricoh USA Inc $20.33pd
96 Public Goods Pool $1,522.00pd
97 Ricoh USA Inc $72.86pd
98 Spectrotel $413.08pd
99 National Grid $392.72pd
100 Quill Corporation $87.98pd
101 Ricoh USA Inc $20.33pd
102 Bassett Healthcare $66,878.81pd
103 US Postal Service $1,345.60pd
104 Leona Johnson $110.00pd
208 American Wholesalers $69.85pd
209 Millers Cleaning Service $777.60pd
210 Elan Financial Services $21.59pd
211 Bruce Hall Corp. $857.03pd
212 Hometown Hauling $43.25pd
213 Spectrotel $389.64pd
214 Frank McGrath $90.00pd
215 Hummel’s Office Plus $78.25pd
216 Hummel’s Office Plus $139.05pd
217 Grant and Lyons LLP $490.00pd
218 See Hwy Abstract
219 Charter Communications $84.95pd
220 Charter Communications $279.98pd
221 National Grid $464.42pd
222 Cintas Corporation #121 $365.08pd
223 Constellation Newenergy Inc $2.21pd
224 Excellus BC/BS $329.09pd
225 Frank McGrath $120.21pd
226 United Healthcare $17.65pd
227 Lamont Engineers $300.00pd
228 National Grid $27.18pd
229 US Postal Service $455.30pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (334)
Item 3 (792-798)
Item 4 None
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 5 ayes 0 nay
Presentation of Invoices and Payments:
• Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances
Misc. information to the Town Clerk:
• tsego County Sales Tax for the month of SEP $13,912.77
• Board of Assessment Review needs a new member. Laura Kim Thompson will be appointed at the January Organizational meeting.
Community Center Alden Field and Park:
• Biddy basketball will be starting in December for practices and games will begin in January and run through first week of March
• CVSC modified teams will be renting the gym for practices form November-February
• Rentals are up
Health Center:
• The town will be hiring a new billing person to work with the new billing system. Supervisor Garretson will be meeting with the new billing person in the very near future.
• Town and Village Board Minutes and info- www.cherryvalleyny.us
Town Planning:
• Supervisor Garretson and Councilperson Cornwell reported they spoke with John Lyons and Kim Garrison of Grant and Lyons and will be preparing a defense for the Carson Solar Suit.
• Councilperson Waterfield when is the hearing? The hearing will be December 14, 2024. The attorneys suspect this hearing will be done on paper without the appearance of any Town Board or Joint Planning Board members.
• At the organizational meeting the Town Board will discuss decreasing the joint planning members from 7 to 5 if possible. Discussion tabled until January meeting.
Highway Department:
• There is a new opening for a position on the highway.
• Spoke with TCBR representative, Vinny, the Dietsche project will be first on their list for spring.
• State has all the Town’s paperwork for CHIPS.
• Supervisor Garretson and Highway Supervisor Fields are redoing the State contract for plowing.
Resolution 2024-6 of the Cherry Valley Town Board
Proposed Action: Designation of the responsible local official for the 975589 Mill Road Bridge Project.
WHEREAS, NYSDOT requires the Town Board to adopt a resolution designating Supervisor Garretson as the Responsible Local Official for project administration, including the use of the Equitable Business Opportunities (EBO) system, for the 975589 Mill Road Bridge Project.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Supervisor Garretson is designated as the Responsible Local Official for purposes of project administration, including use of the EBO system, for the975589 Mill Road Bridge Project.
On a motion by Councilperson, Waterfield, seconded by Councilperson VanDerwerker, the forgoing resolution was adopted a vote of 5Ayes, 0 Nays
Roll Call Vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes. 5-Ayes 0- Nays Resolution 2024-6 is duly carried.
Resolution 2024-7 of the Cherry Valley Town Board
Proposed Action: Introducing a resolution to adopt the 2024 preliminary budget which will then become the 2025 adopted budget of the Town of Cherry Valley
NOW, THEREFORE; Please see the attached document. (Budget will be at the Town Clerk Office for review)
Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-7 made by Councilperson Johnson, seconded by Councilperson Cornwell all in favor 5-Ayes 0-Nays.
Roll Call Vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes. 5-Ayes 0- Nays Resolution 2024-7 is duly carried. 2025 Preliminary Budget is adopted.
Resolution 2024-8 of the Cherry Valley Town Board
WHEREAS: The Town of Cherry Valley owes Bassett Healthcare for unpaid/overdue invoices dating back to June of 2022, and
WHEREAS: The amount owed exceeds our current town budget
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Town will need a Bond Anticipation Note in the amount of $350,000 to pay the unpaid overdue invoices. (this is a one year bond that can be renewed every year for 4 years if needed:
Discussion held by the Town Board members regarding the overdue invoices. By no fault of the Town the overdue invoices were found by an Audit done by Bassett Healthcare.
Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-8 made by Councilperson Waterfield, seconded by Councilperson Cornwell all in favor 5-Ayes 0-Nays.
Roll Call Vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes. 5-Ayes 0- Nays Resolution 2024-8 is duly carried.
Resolution 2024-9 of the Cherry Valley Town Board
WHEREAS: The Town of Cherry Valley has been awarded by Bridge NY and approved by the NYSDOT for bridge replacement on Mill Road ( PIN 975589), AND
WHEREAS: The first phase requires the town to pass a resolution to set aside the design (360,000) and right-of-way incidentals ($27,00) fund totaling $387,000
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Town will need a Revenue Anticipation Note in the amount of $387,000
Motion to accept Resolution 2024-9 made by Councilperson Cornwell, seconded by Councilperson VanDerwerker all in favor 5-Ayes 0-Nays.
Roll Call Vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes. 5-Ayes 0- Nays Resolution 2024-9 is duly carried
Town Clerk will put a notice in the paper for the seasonal roads to be closed from December 01, 2024-March 31, 2025.
Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2 minute limit per request
Anna Gaeta lives on Hoose Road and is a member of the League of Woman voters and they have an observer committee and they assign members to attend different public meetings. She will be attending Town Board meetings when she is available.
Jeff Hollister reports he called the Otsego County Planning Board regarding what is happening at the Swarty’s Campground and they have no knowledge of what is happening at Swarty’s Campground. Mr. Hollister is directed to attend the Joint Planning Board next Wednesday at 7:00PM to ask if Swarty’s Campground has come before the board regarding the expansion of the campground.
Andy Minnig asked if the Town Attorney was consulted about the outstanding invoices for Bassett? Supervisor Garretson did consult the Town Attorney.
Motion made by Councilperson Cornwell to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Councilperson Waterfield.
There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:43PM.
Next Town Board meeting will be Thursday, December12, 2024 7:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk
Town Board meeting was recorded
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Public Hearing for the Tax Cap Override and DRAFT ONLY TB MEETING OCTOBER 10, 2024
No public comment
Motion made by Councilperson Cornwell to close the public hearing for the Tax Cap Override 2nd by Councilperson Johnson.
Public hearing closed at 7:00PM
The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday October 10, 2024 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson
Pledge to the Flag was said
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson-Supervisor P
Jim Johnson-Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker-Councilperson p
Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P
Holly Waterfield-p
Highway Superintendent Marty Field-Excused
Mary Beth Flint-P
Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.
Presentation of invoices and payments:
83 Bassett Healthcare $57,593.08pd
84 Ricoh USA Inc $77.86pd
85 Optimizer Systems Inc $283.52pd
86 National Grid $485.15pd
87 Spectrotel $378.03pd
88 Quill Corporation $43.99pd
89 American Wholesalers $425.24pd
90 Leona Johnson $120.00pd
91 Leona Johnson $65.00pd
92 Quill Corporation $497.90pd
93 Bassett Healthcare $83,926.24pd
94 Quill Corporation $41.99pd
191 Elan Financial Services $21.59pd
192 State Comptroller $6,992.00pd
193 Nan Stolzenburg $466.77pd
194 Millers Cleaning Services $842.40pd
195 Hometown Hauling $43.25pd
196 Charter Communications $279.98pd
197 Charter Communications $84.95pd
198 National Grid $462.39pd
199 Spectrotel $385.74pd
200 Tri-County Communications Inc $179.10pd
201 Cintas Corporation #121 $365.08pd
202 Excellus BC/BS $329.09pd
203 National Grid $16.63pd
204 American Wholesalers $102.89pd
205 Jeff Stiles Construction $1,699.18pd
206 United Healthcare $17.65pd
207 Hummels Office Plus $41.17pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (327-333)
Item 3 (787-791)
Item 4 None
Councilperson Waterfield made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson VanDerwerker seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 5 yes 0 no
Presentation of Invoices and Payments:
• Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances
Misc. information to the Town Clerk:
• Otsego County Sales Tax for the month of SEP $10,650.90
• The Cherry Valley Fire Department Emergency Squad Closure Plan is distributed to the Town Board. After January 01, 2025 all calls will be handled by Otsego County Ambulance service.
Community Center Alden Field and Park:
- No new business. Rentals are starting to come in for the fall and winter months.
Health Center:
- Supervisor Garretson is working with Senator Oberacker and Elise Stefanik to see if we can get some rural health center money.
• Town and Village Board Minutes and info- www.cherryvalleyny.us
Highway Department:
- Working on getting CHIPS paperwork completed to get reimbursement from the State for snow and ice.
Supervisor Garretson distributed the Preliminary 2025 Budget to the Board members for their review.
Local Law 2024-1 Tax Levy Override is introduced by Supervisor Garretson:
Local Law to Override Tax Levy Limit
Section 1. Legislative Intent
It is the intent of this local law to override the limit on the amount of real property taxes that may be levied by the Town of Cherry Valley pursuant to General Municipal Law 3-c.,and to allow the Town of Cherry Valley to adopt a budget for the fiscal year 2025 that requires real property tax levy in excess of the “tax levy limit” as defined by General Municipal Law 3-c.
Section 2. Authority
This local law is adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of the General Municipal Law 3-c, which expressly authorizes the town board to override the tax levy limit by the adoption of a local law approved by vote of sixty percent (60%) of the town board.
Section 3. Tax Levy Limit Override
The Town Board of the Town of Cherry Valley, County of Otsego is hereby authorized to adopt a budget for the fiscal year 2025 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the amount otherwise proscribed in General Municipal Law, 3-c.
Section 4. Severability
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this Local Law or the application thereof to any person, firm or corporation, or circumstance, shall be adjusted by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such order or judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this Local Law or in its application to the person, individual, firm or corporation or circumstance, directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or order shall be rendered.
Section 5. Effective Date
This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.
Motion made by Councilperson Cornwell to adopt Local Law 2024-1 Tax Levy Override 2nd by Councilperson Johnson. All in favor 5- yes 0-neh motion carried.
Roll Call Vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes. 5-yes 0- Neh. Local Law 2024-1 Tax Levy Override is passed.
Resolution 2024-5 Support of America250 is introduced by Supervisor Garretson from Otsego County Historian. Motion made by Councilperson VanDerwerker to approve Resolution 2024-5 Support of America250 as presented, 2nd by Councilperson Johnson. All in favor 5-yes 0-neh. Roll Call Vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes. 5-yes 0- Neh. Resolution 2024-5 Support of America250 is duly carried.
Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2 minute limit per request
Tax Levy Override is explained to public present.
Motion made by Councilperson Cornwell to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Councilperson Waterfield.
There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:28PM.
Next Town Board meeting will be Thursday, November 14, 2024 7:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk
Town Board meeting was recorded
DRAFT ONLY TB MEETING DEC 12, 2024 The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday December 12, 2024 with meet...
Motion to open the Public Hearing for the Tax Cap Override is made by Councilperson Johnson 2nd by Councilperson Cornwell. Public Hearing o...
DRAFT TB meeting May 9, 2013 The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday, May 9, 2013 with meeting calle...