Wednesday, August 22, 2018



The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday, August 09, 2018 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the Flag was said

Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson-Supervisor P
Jim Johnson-Councilperson P
Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P
Holly Waterfield-Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker-Councilperson P
Tony Miles-Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk P

Reading of last months minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.

Presentation of invoices and payments:
77 Ricoh USA Inc $17.80pd
78 Quill Corporation $195.84pd
79 Ricoh USA $72.87pd
80 Quill Corporation $177.98pd
81 National Grid $109.25pd
82 Constellation Newenergy Inc $92.92pd
83 US Postal Service $369.10pd
84 JB Supply $134.28pd
85 RBS Inc $250.00pd
86 Magna 5 $202.30
87 Bassett Healthcare $42,348.51pd
88 Ricoh USA Inc $17.80pd

145 Action Garage Doors $860.00pd
146 Spectrum Enterprise $79.95pd
147 State Comptroller $1,544.00pd
148 Cherry Valley Hardware $65.66pd
149 Gates Cole Associates $873.70pd
150 RL Parsons Inc $275.00pd\
151 William T Ryan Associates $1,163.80pd
152 Spectrum Enterprise $74.95pd
153 NYS Town Clerks Association $75.00pd
154 Casella Waste Services $125.98pd
155 Cintas Corporation #121 $195.47pd
156 National Grid $372.80pd
157 Constellation Newenergy Inc $195.47pd
158 Tony Miles $103.00pd
159 Thomas Garretson $658.80pd
160 Casella Waste Services $59.89pd
161 Magna 5 $303.12pd
162 Fargo Overland Protective Service $120.00pd
163 Excellus BC/BS $622.07pd
164 Otsego Electric Cooperative Inc $75.00pd
165 Lillian Lighthall $280.00pd
166 Madisyn Reymone $245.00pd
167 Emma Whiteman $280.00pd
168 Andrew Oram $315.00pd
169 Zoe Climenhaga $210.00pd
170 Maddox Aramini $315.00pd
171 Ian Johnson $245.00pd
172 United Healthcare $16.22pd
173 Verizon $104.72pd
174 ACCO Brands Direct $28.99pd
175 Lillian Lighthall $315.00pd
176 Madisyn Reymone $350.00pd
177 Emma Whiteman $70.00pd
178 Andrew Oram $350.00pd
179 Zoe Climenhaga $280.00pd
180 Maddox Aramini $350.00pd
181 Ian Johnson $350.00pd

Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (47-53)
Item 3 (216-224)

Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Waterfield seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 5 yes 0 no. Motion carried.

Presentation of Invoices and Payments:
• Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances.

Misc. information to the Town Clerk:
• Sales tax for the month of JUNE $9,056.06

Community Center Alden Field and Park:
• Presently no activity for month of August
• Deb Whiteman looking to extend the summer swim program to include afternoon activities for the 2019 summer swim program. Mary Beth will work with Deb to secure dates for next summer.

Miscellaneous Updates:
• Councilperson Waterfield gave an update on the situation on Chestnut Street.

Town Facilities:
• Court roof needs to be repaired or replaced. Supervisor Garretson will get in touch with William T Ryan associates to discuss.

Highway Department:
• Motion made by Councilperson Waterfield to allow Highway Superintendent Miles to get quotes for a new dump truck seconded by Councilperson Johonson. 5-yes 0-no All in favor motion carried.

• County Rep Dave Bliss gave the Board an update on County business.

• Town and Village board minutes online @
• Village started hauling the old burnt out house up to the Barringer Road old dump property. A discussion was held with the Board as to how to proceed. Highway Superintendent told the Village crew they cannot dumb this material in the dump and asked them to stop.

Resolution 2018-7 Otsego County Stream Maintenance Program
PROPOSED ACTION: To approve the financial support of $1,400 per year for a five year period for a total of $7,000 for the Otsego County Stream Maintenance Program.

WHEREAS, the Town of Cherry Valley agrees to participate in the Otsego County Stream Maintenance Program partnering with Otsego County and Otsego County Soil and Water Conservation District.

WHEREAS, the terms of the Otsego County Stream Maintenance Program between the Town of Cherry Valley, Otsego County and Otsego County Soil and Water Conservation District are effective January 1st, 2019 through December 31, 2023.

Motion to accept Resolution 2018-7 Otsego County Stream Maintenance Program is made by Councilperson Cornwell seconded by Councilperson Waterfield. Roll call vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerWerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes 5-yes 0-no Motion to accept Resolution 2018-7 duly carried.

Resolution 2018-8 Revenue Anticipation Note for 2018 NYS CHIPS expense
WHEREAS, the Town of Cherry Valley is aware that New York State is changing the way Consolidated Local Street and Highway improvement Program (CHIPS) money is disbursed, and

WHEREAS, New York State Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) will only release funds once all invoices are paid and cancelled checks are provided to the State, and

WHEREAS, the Town of Cherry Valley will need to pay invoices in advance of receiving these funds; it is

RESOLVED, that the Supervisor, Thomas Garretson, is hereby authorized to execute a Revenue Anticipation Note, and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Town shall expend $125,000.00 on Revenue Anticipation Note.

Motion to accept Resolution 2018-8 Revenue Anticipation Note for 2018 NYS CHIPS expense is made by Councilperson Johnson seconded by Councilperson VanDerWerker. Roll call vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerWerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes 5-yes 0-no Motion to accept Resolution 2018-8 duly carried

Resolution 2018-9 NYSMA Conference Registration
Proposed Action: NYSMA Conference Registration for Cherry Valley Town Justice Fred Herr

Motion to accept Resolution 2018-9 NYSMA Conference Registration is made by Councilperson Johnson seconded by Councilperson Cornwell. Roll call vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerWerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell-yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes 5-yes 0-no Motion to accept Resolution 2018-9 duly carried

Question and comments by the public present:

Andy Minnig asked who is dumping on Barringer Road.

Motion to adjourn- Councilperson Cornwell Seconded-Councilperson Waterfield

There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:53PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk
Town Board minutes were recorded.


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