Monday, November 26, 2007

TB Meeting June 14, 2007

TB Meeting June 14, 2007

The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, June 14, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the Flag was said.

Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
MaryBeth Flint Town Clerk P

Minutes of the May 2007 meeting were read and corrected. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as corrected.

Bills for the month of June are presented:
185 Fredy Herr 102.55
186 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. 157.30
187 Post Office Box rent 96.00
188 Tri-County Communications Inc. 179.10
189 J B Supply 117.21
190 Aflac NY 166.80pd
191 Iron String Press, Inc. 21.66pd
192 The Daily Star 67.23pd
193 Russell Johnson 55.29pd
194 The Copy Shop 793.25pd
195 Excellus 5,273.53pd
196 Excellus 487.78pd
197 WilliamsLawBookCo. 171.00pd
198 Hummel's Office Supply 143.68pd
199 Thomas Garretson 7.40pd
200 Andrew Criscola 43.62pd
201 Edward Harvey 267.00pd
202 Deb Whiteman 15.00pd
203 ThePennysaver 56.40pd
204 Bassett Healthcare - 25,626.50pd
205 Lisa Fassett-HC 5.00pd
206 Logical Net-HC 17.95pd
207 Pomco-HC 7.20pd
208 Rural Business Services-HC 250.00pd
209 Quill Corp-HC 60.98pd
210 MedicalArtsPress-HC 53.60pd
211 Lisa Fassett-UC 44.60pd
212 Medical Arts Press-HC 81.96pd
213 Rural Business Service-HC 250.00pd
214 NYS Public Goods-HC 898.00pd

Highway Vouchers: ;
Item 1 (14-20)
Item 3 (75-90)

Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read. Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.

Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of March 2007 is $4,573.85.

Mortgage Tax collected for 10/1/06-3/31/07 is $7,159.79

The Cherry Valley American Legion presented a new Flag to the Town of Cherry Valley. The new flag will be on display in the shared off ces of the Village Clerk and the Town Clerk.


Community Center update given by Mary Beth Flint: Currently there are a few private parties being booked for the summer months.

Alden Field: Supervisor Garretson reports he is still currently lining the soccer fields for spring soccer league.

Health Center: Supervisor Garretson reported the expected income for the Health center is $33,232.00 and the current income is $31,264.00.

Town Facilities report given by Supervisor Garretson. Maintenance contracts have been received from Suburban Propane. Currently Jeff Stiles maintains all the boilers for all the Town Facilities.

Cherry Valley Facilities Corp report given by Marion Holmes: Unpaid bills for this month are $9,635.16 this total is down $153.00 from last month. As far as Marion knows the $20,000 grant from Senator Seward has not been received yet.

Supervisor Garretson reported the Village received correspondence from State Assemblyman Mr. Walker with concerns of the newly installed traffic light in the center of town.

Village shared services: Supervisor Garretson reported 6 new phone lines have been installed and on June 22 the Village telephone lines will be transferred.

Visitor Center: Supervisor Garretson has submitted the last piece of paperwork. The Land purchase is still in limbo.

Planning Board report given by Walter Buist. Continuing discussion on Elexcico. Approval given for a subdivision.

County Representative Phil Durkin presented a booklet entitled: Energy Initiatives. The next County Board meeting will be June 30 ~ 3:00pm. The Board will be voting on Tax refunds. Key bank has donated the checks for free. The county fell short of the 200 tons of waste with Mosa.

Supervisor Garretson received correspondence from Jim Devine, President of Advanced Energy Panels. Empire Wind who is interested in meeting with the Town Board and School also contacted supervisor Garretson. Supervisor Garretson will be working with both Councilmen to form two committees one for Empire Wind and the other committee will be for Land use.

New Business: Resolution No. 2007-3, Town of Cherry Valley Comprehensive Plan. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2007-3 is made by Councilperson Cornwell and seconded by Councilperson Johnson. A roll call vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes and Councilperson Cornwell-yes. Yes votes-3 No votes-0. Motion carried.

Supervisor Garretson received and read a Courtesy Correspondence from the Town of Sharon Springs regarding a new Verizon Tower being installed.

Questions and Comments were entertained by the public present.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:08PM

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk

TB Meeting April 12, 2007

TB Meeting April 12, 2007

The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, April 12, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:04PM by Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the Flag was said.

Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
MarkCornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P

Minutes of the March 2007 meeting were read and corrections were made. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as read.

Bills for the month of March were presented:
93 Mary Beth Flint-TC Computer $654.29pd
94 Excellus 487.78pd
95 Excellus 5,273.53pd
96 Bill Garretson 1,755.00pd
97 Jodi Grover 15.00pd
98 Jodi Grover 5.09pd
99 Standard Security Life Ins. 65.37pd
100 Suburban Propane 958.83pd
101 Leadership Conference 25.00pd
102 National Grid 1,44.22pd
103 Verizon 66.06pd
104 Vets 55.30pd
105 Cordia Communications 93.86pd
106 Thompson Electric and Plumbing 819.79pd
107 Youth Center-Daisy Ford 250.00pd
108 Alberta Deselets 150.00pd
109 Jaird Johnson 4.64pd
110 Suburban Propane 520 39pd
111 Broadview Networks 416 06pd
112 Otsego County Treasurer 202 50pd
113 Williamson Law Book Co.- 180.58pd
114 Suburban Propane 1,279 23pd
115 George Cade 300.00pd
116 Wells Fargo Bank 250.00pd
117 Recon Trust Co. 350.00pd
118 Cherry Valley Hardware 38.55pd
119 Cherry Valley Facilities Corp 200.00pd
120 Lyman and James Johnson $200.00pd
121 Dan Kiesow 52.50pd
122 Haggerty Hardware 2795pd
123 Aflac 166.80pd
124 Bassett Healthcare 23,85563pd
125 Logical Net 36.15pd
126 Lisa Fassett 8.10pd
127 NYS Public Goods Pool 400.00pd
128 Ikon Office Solutions 62.00pd
129 Lisa Fassett 6.56pd
130 NYS Public Goods Pool 288.00pd
131 Medical Arts Press 329.83pd
132 Ikon Office Solutions 62.00pd
133 Transcription Associates 633.15pd
134 Quill Corp. 18.42pd
135 Rurys Food Store 92.56pd
136 NYS Medicaid Inspector General 391.42pd
137 William T Ryan Associate's 27250pd

Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 7-8
Item 3 44-56
Item 4 9-10

Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read. Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.

Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of January 2007 is $3,549.63


Community Center update given by Mary Beth. The Circus was a success and the indoor ; activities are winding down.

Alden Field is currently under water from the latest snowfall.

Health Center: Nothing to report.

Building report unavailable.

Cherry Valley Facilities Corp received a $20,000 grant to use for general fund. The Current tuition charged for Daycare students is not meeting the expenses for the current teachers on staff.

Supervisor Garretson reported the Village shared services had a joint meeting to discuss the Community Center. All present felt the Health Center is a good model to work off of for the Community Center. The current Board members are Larry Carson, Chairperson, Helen Stiles, Laurie Spencer, Judy Wertenbaker and Mary Beth Flint, Director/Scheduler. Tom Garretson stepped down from the board. Supervisor Garretson will be showing the budget on a separate line on the monthly Town financial report It was agreed to reappoint Board members on a yearly term basis.

Scenic byway visitor center: Warren Stannard's Hop Barn has been donated for the Visitor Center. The barn will need to be relocated.

Planning Board report given by Walter Buist. Subdivisions have been approved. Elexico Gas was given approval for exploratory test drilling. This company is exempt from site plan law they are regulated by DEC.

County Representative Phil Durkin was unable to attend the Town Board meeting.

The Comprehensive Planning Committee-Walter Buist presented the Draft Comprehensive Plan to the Town Board Copies of the Draft will be available at the Library, Town Clerk, Gates Cole, Bank as well as several other locations yet to be determined.

Effective January 1, 2008 elected Planning Board Members will be required to have 4 hours of educational training.

Miscellaneous Information: Lynn Green, Town Attorney broke his leg. We wish him a speedy recovery. New email address is available for the Town Supervisor through the new Town website Historic preservation award applications are available. There will be an upcoming conference at the Otesaga in Cooperstown the topic is Agriculture District Law 3Q5A.

Question and Comments were received by the public present.

Concerns were raised about the availability of the Draft Comprehensive Plan to be accessible to all Town residents.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint

TB Meeting March 8, 2007

TB Meeting March 8, 2007

The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, March 8, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:06PM. By Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the Flag was said.

Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P

Minutes of the February 2007 meeting were read. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as read.

Bills for the month of February were presented:
63 Coca Cola $ 153.15pd
64 The Copy Shop Plus 144.72pd
65 NYS Associates of Magistrates Court 25.00pd
66 Cherry Valley Fire District 79,755.00pd
67 Excellus 487.78pd
68 Suburban Propane 1,031.73pd
69 Excellus 5,273.53pd
70 Rural Business Services 352.00pd
71 Labella Associates, P.C. 97.50pd
72 Verizon Wireless 11.19pd
73 Verizon 65.85pd
74 Suburban Propane 61.33pd
75 Susquehanna SPCA 154.00pd
76 Association of Towns NYS 700.00pd
77 Otsego Co. Magistrates Association 40.00pd
78 Dan Kiesow 67.50pd
79 Cordia Communications 93.86pd
80 National Grid 1,452.68pd
81 Vets Disposal 55.78pd
82 NYS Association of Magistrates Court 25.00pd
83 Gates Cole Associates 26,866.38pd
84 Bassett Healthcare-llC 11,645.50pd
85 Transcription Associates-HC 1,003.20pd
86 Quill Corp.-HC 116.87pd
87 Ikon Office Solutions-HC 28.59pd
88 Ikon FinancialServices-HC 393.82pd
89 Medical Arts Press-HC 45.80pd
90 Rural Business Services-HC $250.00pd
91 Quill Corp.-HC 659.66pd
92 Postmaster-HC 48.00pd

Highway Vouchers:

Item3 27-70
Item 1 5&6
Item 4 5-7

Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read. Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have, been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.

Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of December 2006 is $4,302.10.


Community Center update given by Mary Beth. Circus will be in town on
Wednesday March 21. There will be two showings 5:30 and 7:30PM.

Health Center: Supervisor Garretson reported there is currently negotiation contract with Ikon for a multi-purpose copier.

Building report given by Supervisor Garretson. Renovations are continuing on the Girls and Boys locker rooms to turn this space into a meeting room. Cherry Valley Facilities Corp Valentines Day dinner was cancelled due to lack of reservations.

Supervisor Garretson reported the Village shared services is still a work in progress. The scenic by-way is waiting for communication from Barbara Thomas.

Planning Board report given by Walter Buist. No pressing business to report. Andy Carson and Bob Loucks presented subdivision plans.

County Representative Phil Durkin was unable to attend the Town Board meeting. He did provide an email stating he was appointed to the County Planning Board.

Supervisor Garretson received correspondence from Jeff Wait. Mr. Wait is stepping down as Chairman for the Town Planning Board. Motion made by Councilperson Johnson to appoint Walter Buist as Chairman and Russell V. Flint as Co-Chairman for the remainder of 2007. Seconded by Councilperson Cornwell. A vote of yes and no was taken: Garretson-yes, Johnson-yes, and Cornwell-yes.

The Comprehensive Planning Committee Public llearing was rescheduled from February 26, 2007 to Monday, March 12, 2007 at 7:00PM in the Cherry Valley Facilities Corp. Cafe. The Draft Comprehensive Plan will be presented to the Town Board in April. Another Public Hearing will be held. The Comprehensive Plan will tentatively be voted on at the May Town Board meeting. The Draft Comprehensive Plan can be viewed at the Cherry Valley Library, Gates Cole or the Internet at The Town Clerk asked for a copy of the Draft and Walter Buist stated the Town Clerk did not need a copy before it is presented to the Town Board.

Miscellaneous Information: Lynn Green is working on the technicalities of increasing the Town Board from 2-4 members. Supervisor Garretson also thought it would be a good idea to increase the Supervisors term from 2 years to 4 year. These items will be a proposition on the November ballot.

FOIL request for individual invoices will not be filled, however, a copy of the warrants as proof of payment may be requested and filled.

Supervisor Garretson will be selecting a Renewable/Alternative Energy Committee in the future.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00PM

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk

TB February 9, 2006

TB Meeting February 9, 2006

The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday February 9, 2006 with meeting called to order at 7:12pm by Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the Flag.

Roll Call was taken:

Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Fabian Bressett Councilperson A
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P

Minutes of the January 2006 meeting were read and approved.

Bills for the month of February presented:

31. Suburban Energy Services $ 513.83pd
32. Thomas Garretson 260.43pd
33. Verizon 4.30pd
34. Stamp Fulfillment Services 1,541.75pd
35. National Grid 8.94pd
36. The Daily Star 14.40pd
37. Vets Disposal 54.55pd
38. Cobleskill Vet Clinic 77.00pd
39. Cordia Communications 95.71pd
40. National Grid 1,412.40pd
41. Broadview Networks 90.09pd
42. Verizon 24.32pd
43. Verizon Wireless 10.80pd
44. Verizon 29.31pd
45. NYS Assoc. of Magistrates Court 25.00pd
46. Jaird Johnson 32.76pd
47. Mary Beth Flint 55.99
48. Williamson Law Book Co. 81.26

49. Bassett Health Center $14,073.92pd
50. Transcription Associates 619.71pd
51. Broadview Networks $ 281.38pd
52. Logical Net 35.90pd
53. Ikon Office Solutions 126.83pd
54. Rural Business Services 250.00pd
55. Medical Arts Press 155.00pd
56. Quill Corp. 220.03pd
57. NYS Public Goods Pool 713.00pd
58. Bassett Healthcare Mike Sweet l8,055.67
59. American Heart Assoc. 150.00pd
60. Broadview Networks 27.84pd
61. Suburban Energy Services S12.73pd
62. Rods Welding 115.70
63. American Asphalt 1,996.18
64. Roger Cecce 162.50

Item 4 vouchers 4-6
Item3 vouchers 18-35

Motions made by Johnson second by Supervisor Garretson that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried.

Towns share of monthly county sales tax collected for the month of November 2005 is $6,661.18

Dog Control Officer's report not unavailable.

Motion made by Supervisor Garretson to accept resignation letter from Thomas Garretson for Board of Review and appoint Lou Guido to finish out term. Second Johnson. Carried.

Motion made by Supervisor Garretson to appoint Walt Buist to fill Chris Ottman's term on the Town Planning Board. Second Jobuson. Carried.

Supervisor Garretson contacted the Board of Elections regarding voting machine ownership and it seems the Town will still be using the current Voting machines for future elections due to the newer voting machines are not yet available.

Enhanced Star Program applications are available through the Town Assessor, Town Clerk and Town Supervisor.

David Little of Reunion Power presented an update on the wind activities for East Hill. Mr. Little has agreed to present updates every other month. 60 days from today's date.

Questions were entertained from the public present.

Next months presenter will be Andrew Criscolo and Steve Childs regarding General Property Tax.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:12pm.

Respectfully submitted,

MaryBeth Flint
Town Clerk

TB January 12, 2006

TB Meeting Janurary 12, 2006

The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday January 12, 2006 with meeting called to order at 7:07pm by Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the Flag.

Roll Call was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Fabian Bressett Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P

Minutes of the December 2005 meeting were read and approved.

Bills for the month of January presented:

1. Bassett Healthcare-HC $18,055.67
2. Ikon Office Supplies-HC 24.86
3. Logical Net-lIC 17.95
4. Rural Business Service-HC 250.00
5. Smile Makers-HC 44.64
6. Medical Arts Press-HC 25.59
7. Rurys Food Store -HC 149.94
8. Post Master-HC 126.00
9. Broadview Networks-HC 270.18
10. Transcription Associates-HC 850.46 3
11. Dorothy Johnson 15.00pd
12. Verizon 10.80pd
13. Verizon 24.55pd
14. National Grid 21.78pd
15. Suburban Energy Services-Health Center 265.3S
16. Suburban Energy Services-Town 641.62
17. Otsego County Superintendent 120.00
18. R.H. Crown Co. 156.69
19. Association of Towns 699.00
20. Thomas Garretson 150.00
21. Thompson Electric 2,538.44
22. William T. Ryan Associates 1,457.27
23. Fabian Bressett III 76.00
24. Robert James Co. 124.51
25. Otsego County Town Supervisors 50.00
26. National Pastime $ 306.00
27. Russell C. Flint 33.47
28. Mary Beth Flint 310.56
29. Terri Adams 43.16
30. Suburban Energy Services-Community Center 1,660.01
31. Dan Kiesow 52.50

Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 vouchers 1-3
Item 3 vouchers 1-17
Item 4 vouchers 1-4

Motion made by Bressett seconded by Johnson that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried.

Towns share of monthly county sales tax collected for the month of October 2005 is $4,268.61.

Dog Supervisor Garretson read Dog Control Officers report.

Old Business:

Town Recognized retiring Supervisor Robert C. Loucks and Town Clerk Russell C. Flint at a gathering at the Cherry Valley Community Center this past weekend. Senator Jim Seward made presentations to both Bob and Russell for their many years of dedicated service to the Community of Cherry Valley.

Cub Scout Pack 34 donated $1,000 towards the installation of a new kitchen in the Community Center.

Mike Fassett from Boy Scout Troup 47 presented to the Board of Directors for the Community Center/Alden Field, his Eagle Scout Project, Planter Benches for Alden Field. The Benches will be built and installed this spring at Alden Field.

There will be a Spaghetti Dinner on February 18, 2006 at the Cherry Valley Community Center from 5-7:30pm to benefit the equipment fund.

Margaret Lunzman gave an update on the Scenic By-Way. A grant was applied for Funds for a Tourist Center Building. The grant was denied. Motion made by Bressett seconded by Johnson to re-apply for the Grant to fund a Tourist Center Building for the Scenic ByWay.

Margaret also reported the Route 20 Association is holding a contest to design street sign logos. There is an Otsego 2000 preservation event coming up. Margaret also reminded all in attendance to read and or submit information for the Community Calendar, which hangs in the entrance to the Post Office.

New Business:

Annual Organizational meeting was held; rules and procedures for the monthly Town Board meetings for 2006 will include the basic agenda as follows:

Call to Order
Pledge to the Flag
Roll Call of the Town Board Officers
Minutes of the last meeting
Presentation of the monthly bills
Presentation of the Town's share of monthly county sales tax
Presentation of the Dog Control Officers Report
Old Business and updates
New Business and updates
Questions, comments and concerns with a 3-minute limit per speaker

The Town Board Meetings will start at 7:00pm and will be held on the 2nd Thursday of the month. If the second Thursday falls on a holiday, it will be held on the 3rd Thursday of that month.

There will be 96 hours prior notice to the Supervisor, for consideration to appear on the agenda.

The following Town positions have been appointed:
Town Health Officer Maureen Kuhn
Registrar of Vital Statistics Mary Beth Flint
Town Historian Susan Miller

The following Town positions have been appointed and /or hired.
With the position, individual and annual compensation as follows:

Town Attorney Lynn Green $ 3,600.00
Town Assessor Andrew Criscola $ 8,100.00
Town Dog Control Officer Jaird Johnson $ 3,000.00
Community Center Director Mary Beth Flint $ 3,000.00
Community Center Custodian Dan Keisow $ 3,600.00
Health Center Custodian Per Hour $ 10.00
Health Center Receptionist Split 2 ways $49,504.00
Town Highway Employees Per Hour $ 13.50

The official Town newspapers will be The Freeman's Journal, The Richfield Mercury and The Daily Star.

The official Town Bank will be the Cherry Valley branch of NBT.

Town business travel reimbursement will be 42 cents per mile.

A petty cash fund in the amount of $200 will be granted to the Town Clerk, to be reconciled on a quarterly basis.

The Superintendent of Highways is authorized to purchase small tools and equipment prior to monthly board approval, not to exceed $500.

The Supervisor of the Town is authorized to pay insurance, utility and communication bills prior to the monthly Town Board meeting.

The following positions and annual salaries are as follows:
Town Supervisor $10,500
Town Clerk $ 9,000
Town Council Person-total split two ways $ 5,000
Town Justice-total split two ways $16,000
Town Tax Collector $ 2,115
Town Superintendent of Highways $40,300

The Board of Assessment Review will consist of the following individuals with terms expiring on the following dates:

Derwin Utter Jan 2007
Tom Garretson Jan 2008 (To resign later this month)
Edward Harvey Jan 2009

The Town Planning Board will consist of the following individuals with terms expiring on the following dates:

Chris Ottman Jan 2006
Russell V. Flint Jan 2007
Jeff Waite Jan 2008
Liz Plymel Jan 2009
Linda Francese Jan 2010
Marion Holmes Jan 2011
Edward Garretson Jan 2012

Motion to accept the organizational meeting as read was made by Johnson seconded by Bressett. Carried.

Philip Durkin, County Representative gave and update on County Board Business.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Flint

Saturday, November 3, 2007

TB Meeting October 11, 2007

TB Meeting October 11, 2007

The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, October 11, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the Flag was said.
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P
Minutes of the September 2007 meeting were read and corrections were made. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as corrected.
Bills for the month of September were presented:
335 Thomas Garretson $247.32pd
336 Harold Couse $50.00pd
337 Hyde Clarke $50.00pd
338 RBS $89.00pd
339 Dan Kiesow $110.00pd
340 Ed Dubben $350.00pd
341 Jo Weaver $170.00pd
342 AFLA NY $166.80pd
343 Transcription Associates $923.10pd
344 Rury’s Food Store $100.24pd
345 Dan Kiesow $67.50pd
346 Medical Arts Press $46.68pd
347 Quill Corp. $86.76pd
348 Cherry Valley Hardware $22.33pd
349 Broadview Networks $119.65pd
350 RBS, Inc. $1,166.00pd
351 RBS $500.00pd
352 Ed VanDerwerker $150.00pd
353 Standard Security Life $65.37pd
354 Logical Net $17.95pd
355 Mercury Media (JGB Factoring LLC) $2.70pd
356 Mary Beth Flint $29.88pd
357 Tri-County Communications Inc. $179.10pd
358 Alberta Deselets $150.00pd
359 Rury’s Food Store $57.72pd
360 JB Supply $143.08pd
361 Verizon Wireless $41.30pd
362 Bassett Healthcare $21,886.84pd
DRAFT ONLY TB Meeting October 11, 2007
363 Regen, LLC Kevin Yerdon $830.00pd
364 Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield $487.78pd
365 Excellus $5,085.39pd
366 Clark Sports Center $500.00pd
367 Cordia Communications $95.58pd
368 National Grid $1,007.71pd
369 Vets Disposal $56.51pd
370 Verizon $169.51pd
371 Broadview Networks $166.11pd
372 Ikon Financial Services $196.91pd
373 Lisa Fassett $41.00pd
374 Richard Spellman Jr. $55.00pd
375 Hummel’s Office Plus $135.99pd
376 Medical Arts Press $140.85pd
377 Quill Corp. $43.53pd
378 US Postal Services $234.05pd
379 A Rose is A Rose $54.00pd
380 Lisa Fassett $16.95pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (35-38)
Item 3 (133-143)
Item 4 (17)
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.
Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of July $5,230.74.
Community Center report given by Mary Beth Flint. Work on the locker room will be addressed after the Holiday’s.
Alden Field report give by Supervisor Garretson. Nothing new. Tom will be lining the soccer fields until the end of the fall soccer season.
Health Center report given by Supervisor Garretson. Expenses for September 2007 are $28,662.00 and Revenues are $22,493.00. Accounts Receivable reports the Medicare and BC/BS system could not generate revenue coming back to the Health Center. The problem has been fixed.
Village/Shared services report given by Supervisor Garretson. The Town will pay Justices.
Cherry Valley Facilities Corp. Parking lot paved and Handicapped parking identified.
County Representative Phil Durkin reported County Board is busy getting the budget ready. The second batch of checks will have the Tax ID # printed on them. The board is forming a Committee to research how much it will cost to upgrade the Telecommunications system within the next 5 years. Mr. Durkin introduced Tex Seamon, Otsego County Veterans Director. Mr. Seamon presented information regarding newly passed NYS Law on Property Tax exemption Law amending existing Law to include "Cold War Veterans". The County has adopted the law not to exceed $8,000.00. The Town Assessor, Kassandra Cade will work with Steve Childs of the County Planning Board regarding this Law.
Supervisor Garretson received a letter from the State stating Kassandra Cade meets all the qualifications to be the Town’s Assessor.
Supervisor Garretson read correspondence, a Thank You Letter from Dorothy Johnson, Village Clerk, thanking Kelly Wright, Village Superintendent, for his help on a recent project.
Jim Johnson reported on the Land Use Committee: Terry Bliss answered questions the committee had regarding good subdivision plans versus bad subdivision plans. Next meeting will be October 18, 2007.
Mark Cornwell and Matt Utter reported the Alternative/Renewable Energy Committee: The committee met on October 2. They discussed Gene Marners talk. The committee has decided to invite Keith Pitman CEO of Empire Wind to come and give a talk to the residents of Cherry Valley on Tuesday, November 13 at 7:00pm at the Community Center on Genesee Street, Cherry Valley. The next meeting will be cancelled because it falls on Election Day.
The 2008 Tentative Budget is presented. Discussion followed regarding the Cherry Valley Museum expenses. This would be for the upkeep of the building. Dog Control Officer’s salary was questioned. It was suggested to compare with other Towns Dog Control Officer’s salaries.
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the tentative budget for 2008 and Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Question and Comments were received by the public present.
Motion to adjourn is made by Councilperson Cornwell and seconded by Councilperson Johnson.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:43PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk

TB Meeting September 13, 2007

TB Meeting September 13, 2007
The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, September 13, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:06PM by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the Flag was said.
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P
Minutes of the August 2007 meeting were read and corrected. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as corrected.
Bills for the month of August are presented:
298 Thomas Garretson $96.12pd
299 AFLAC $166.80pd
300 Lisa Fassett-HC $4.80pd
301 RBS, Inc. $250.00pd
302 NYS Public Goods Pool $323.00pd
303 Logical Net $17.95pd
304 Jaird Johnson $57.23pd
305 Broadview Networks $277.62pd
306 Dan Kiesow $60.00pd
307 Lisa Fassett-HC $35.63pd
308 Transcription Associates $758.70 pd
309 The Copy Shop $163.19pd
310 Andrew Criscola $75.60pd
311 The Daily Star $9.45pd
312 Cordia Communications $95.58pd
313 Tiffany Thompson $150.00pd
314 Courtney VanBrink $75.00pd
315 Nick Traficante $75.00pd
316 Christian McGrath $150.00pd
317 Ryan Schukis $75.00pd
318 Mallory Garretson $75.00pd
319 Vets Disposal $56.51pd
320 Verizon Wireless $196.53pd
321 US Postal Service $232.60pd
322 Hummel’s Office Supply $1,566.70pd
323 Bassett Healthcare-HC $18,295.93pd
324 Excellus BC/BS $487.78pd
325 Verizon $115.32pd
326 Excellus $5,085.39pd
327 National Grid $1,181.76pd
328 Ikon Financial Services $196.91pd
329 Lisa Fassett-US Postal Service $13.80pd
330 Postmaster $108.00pd
331 Quill Corp. $150.80pd
332 Smile Makers-HC $81.32pd
333 Mary Beth Flint -Petty cash $50.00pd
334 US Postal Service $36.00pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (30-34)
Item 3 (117-132)
Item 4 (15-16)
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.
Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of June 2007 is $5,568.85.
Information presented to the Town Clerk by Supervisor Garretson is as follows:
Correspondence received from the Town Attorney, Lynn Green, regarding Liquor License for the Triangle Tavern.
Supervisor Garretson received a telephone call from Elizabeth Trever Buchinger regarding grant writing.
Alden Field: Supervisor Garretson contacted Sherry France, reminding her to find someone to line the soccer fields for next season.
Health Center: Supervisor Garretson reported the expected income for the month of August at the Health center is $27,262.00 and the current income is $20,708.00. .
Town Facilities report: Courtesy notification from the Town of Sharon Springs regarding a Verizon Tower being installed on Route 10.
Land Use Committee report given by Walter Buist. Lou Guido was replaced with Carol Minich and Julie Barrone has also joined the committee. Introductory meeting was held on August 16, 2007. Reviewed the Land Use in the Comprehensive Plan as well as the past survey conducted. They also referred to the
Book, American Farmland Trust. The next meeting will be September 24, 2007 with Terry Bliss attending from the Otsego County Planning Board.
Alternative Renewable Energy Committee: Councilman Cornwell states the Committee met on September 4. There was a unanimous vote to invite Empire Wind and Tom Golisano to speak to the Alternative Renewable Energy Committee.
The talk at the Community Center was well attended and went well.
County Rep Phil Durkin reports the tax refund checks are going out on September 28, 2007. The NYS Courts will be taking over the Annex Building in Cooperstown. The Oneonta Courts will be closing and moving to Cooperstown. Verizon would like to put up 6 cell towers. The County Board opted to table hiring a Budget Advisor. Mr. Durkin’s next constituents night will be September 27 5-7pm.
Planning Board: Walter Buist stated there was not a quorum at the August meeting. Elexico finished drilling at the Schekels property and there were no incidences.
Highway Department: Ed and Tom reviewed the Snow and Ice contract and they do not feel the reimbursement from the State will be enough to cover expected expenses.
Primary Day is Tuesday, September 18, 2007 from noon to 9:00pm.
Dan Gallagher contacted supervisor Garretson by e-mail to offer the front lawn of the Tryon to be used for a Farmer’s market.
Supervisor Garretson asked for a motion to accept Resolution 2007-5, Proposed action to increase the Town Board from 3 to 5 members; Councilperson Cornwell made such motion and Councilperson Johnson second the motion. A discussion took place before the Roll Call vote was taken. Question: Did Lynn Green, Town Attorney, word the Resolution? Answer: Supervisor Garretson worded the Resolution. Supervisor Garretson stated the Resolution is subject to permissive referendum. A petition can be presented with the next 30 days opposing the resolution.
Roll call vote was taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, and Councilperson Cornwell-yes. 3 yes votes and 0 no votes. Resolution 2007-5 is duly carried.
Supervisor Garretson asked for a motion to accept Resolution 2007-6, September 13, 2007 proposed action support of Home Rule in regards to proposed amendments to Article X; Councilperson Johnson made such motion, Councilperson Cornwell second the motion. Roll call vote was taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes,
Councilperson Johnson-yes, and Councilperson Cornwell-yes. 3 yes votes and 0 no votes. Resolution 2007-6 is duly carried.
Supervisor Garretson received one letter of interest for the position of Town Assessor. Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept Kassandra Cade as the new Town Assessor, Councilperson Johnson second the motion. All present were in favor with no objections. Motion carried. Kassandra Cade will begin her 6-year term on October 1, 2007. Term will expire on September 30, 2013.
Questions and Comments were entertained by the public present.
Andy Minnig asked Supervisor Garretson to go over the mechanics of the permissive referendum definition for Resolution 2007-5 increasing the Town Board members from 3 to 5?
Donna Latella co-owner of The Teepee asked if the grant received for the proposed visitor center is site specific or can the grant be used at any location? Ms. Latella presented a petition from Cherry Valley residents as well as visitors to her business to not block the panoramic view.
Margaret Lunzman did give an update regarding the visitor center; June Barwick is working on a RFB for a consultant. The style of the building has not been decided as of yet. A hop style barn as been suggested. An Architect would need to check out the land. There will need to be handicapped access to the whole building.
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to adjourn Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:26pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk

TB Meeting August 9, 2007

TB Meeting August 9, 2007
The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, August 9, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:05PM by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the Flag was said.
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent Excused
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P
Minutes of the July 2007 meeting were read and corrected. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as corrected.
Bills for the month of July are presented:
248 Thomas Garreston $14.60pd
249 Patrick Shelley III $7,000.00pd
250 Lyman & James Johnson $200.00pd
251 Cherry Valley Facilities Corp. $200.00pd
252 Broadview Networks $180.97pd
253 Andrew Criscola $34.35pd
254 AFLAC $166.80pd
255 Dan Kiesow $324.00pd
256 Tiffany Thompson $150.00pd
257 Mallory Garretson $150.00pd
258 Courtney VanBrink $30.00pd
259 Ryan Shukis $45.00pd
260 Nick Traficante $150.00pd
261 Christian McGrath $60.00pd
262 NYS Commissioner of Tax/Fin $443.00pd
263 Verizon $336.98pd
264 Jaird Johnson $56.80pd
265 Vets Disposal $56.38pd
266 Cordia Communications $95.66pd
267 National Grid $1,142.80pd
268 NYS Town Clerks Assoc. $50.00pd
269 Alberta Deselets $150.00pd
270 Iron String Press Freemans Journal $30.00pd
271 United States Treasury $57.90pd
272 Thomas Garretson $8.20pd
273 Douglas Gustafson $37.25pd
274 Hummels Office Plus $66.38pd
275 Excellus BC/BS-Syracuse $487.78pd
276 Excellus BC/BS-Utica $3,768.44pd
277 Christian McGrath $150.00pd
278 Ryan Shukis $75.00pd
279 Tiffany Thompson $75.00pd
280 Mallory Garretson $45.00pd
281 Courtney VanBrink $120.00pd
282 Nick Traficante $150.00pd
283 William T. Ryan Assoc.-HC $285.00pd
284 NYS Public Goods Pool-HC $340.00pd
285 Logical Net-HC $17.95pd
286 Cherry Valley Hardware-HC $1.60pd
287 Medical Arts Press-HC $64.23pd
288 Transcription Associates-HC $636.45pd
289 Rurys Food Store-HC $127.81pd
290 RBS, Inc.-HC $250.00pd
291 United States Post Office-HC $924.00pd
292 Ikon Financial Services-HC $196.91pd
293 Ikon Office Solutions-HC $62.00pd
294 Bassett Healthcare-HC $21,099pd
295 Lisa Fassett-HC $9.20pd
296 Ikon Office Solutions-HC $31.00pd297 Medical Arts Press-HC $37.48pd
298 Quill-HC $258.22pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (27-28)
Item 3 (105-115)
Item 4 (13-15)
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.
Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of May 2007 is $6,647.54.
Information presented to the Town Clerk by Supervisor Garretson is as follows:
Dog Control Officers report
Legal notice regarding: Completion of Final Assessment Roll by the Town Assessor, Andy Criscola.
Community Center update given by Mary Beth Flint: The Community Center received 5 new tables.
Alden Field: Supervisor Garretson reports he notified Sherry France, fall and Spring Soccer organizer, he will no longer be lining the soccer fields.
Health Center: Supervisor Garretson reported the expected income for the month of July at the Health center is $28,831.00 and the current income is $30,971.00. Medicare fee increased from $61.00 to $63.00.
Town Facilities report: Supervisor Garretson reports the new computer for the Supervisor is in and will be installed on Monday August 13, 2007. Road Runner has been installed at the Town Clerk’s office. Town Clerk informed the Town Board about current software that can be purchased in the future to process reports and forms currently hand written by the Town Clerk.
Supervisor Garretson asked that the January 11, 2007 meeting minutes be amended to read: The Town Board conducted the required examination and audit of the court records and dockets of the Town Justices, January 11, 2007.
Town Clerk was served with a petition from Verizon regarding recent assessment. The petition will go to our Legal Council, Lynn Green.
Letter from Association of Towns suggesting Towns submit Resolution to Governor and Senator concerning Article 10. Supervisor Garretson will respond with local government is adequate. Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to compose a resolution concerning Article 10 Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Councilperson Cornwell will contact Lynn Green, Town Attorney, on the correct wording of the Resolution. Supervisor Garretson has access to other Town’s Resolutions concerning Article 10 as a sample.
Land Use Committee is waiting for Walter Buist to return from vacation. Supervisor Garretson received and e-mail from Lou Guido stating he will not be able to serve on the Land Use Committee at this time.
Alternative Renewable Energy Committee: Councilman Cornwell presented the agenda and meeting minutes of the first meeting the AREC had. Rabbit Goody and Stacey Michael have been added to the committee. On September 12 there will be a presentation at the Community Center by Gene Marner a citizen from Franklin. Supervisor Garretson suggested not opening the meeting up to public comment at this early stage of the Committee getting organized. Supervisor Garretson also mentioned Empire Wind has contacted him.
County Rep Phil Durkin reports the County passed the sex offender law. The refund checks are in the mail. Mr. Markey is back at the Otsego Manor as the manager.
Councilman Johnson made a motion to approve Resolution #4-2007, required annual examination and audit of town justice court records and dockets, Councilperson Cornwell second the motion. A roll call vote was taken Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, and Councilperson Cornwell-yes. Yes votes-3 and 0 no votes. Resolution #4-2007 is approved and carried.
Current Assessor’s term will expire on 9/30/07. The Town Board will either reappoint or appoint a new assessor.
Supervisor Garretson received information from Todd Balantine, , regarding increasing the Town Board from 2-5 members. A resolution is needed and is subject to permissive referendum. A special election could be held in the spring of 2008 for Town Law-a, increasing the Town Board from 2-5, two get the two new members in office and active.
Supervisor Garretson contacted Linda Jarvis regarding voting machines remaining at the Town Barn this election season.
Questions and Comments were entertained by the public present.
Lynn Marsh wondered if the referendum is needed because of the classification of the Town? 2nd class versus 1st class.
Donna Latella co-owner of The Teepee asked if the proposed visitor center could be moved West on the current land being considered, which is directly across from the Teepee’s location. Could the building be a low profile building versus the hop barn style that is being consisered?
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to adjourn Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:17pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk

TB Meeting May 10, 2007

TB Meeting May 10, 2007
The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, May 10, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:10PM by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the Flag was said.
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P
Minutes of the April 2007 meeting were read and corrections were made. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as read.
Bills for the month of April were presented:
138 NYS Employee Taxes $639.73 pd
139 NBT Bank $9,448.69 pd
140 AFLAC $166.80 pd
141 Dan Kiesow $60.00 pd
142 Suburban Propane $1,007.21 pd
143 Broadview Networks $368.11 pd
144 Excellus $487.78 pd
145 Excellus $5,273.53 pd
146 NBT Bank $33,504.00 pd
147 US Postal Service $234.05 pd
148 William T. Ryan Associates $2,325.30 pd
149 Cordia Communications $93.91 pd
150 Otsego County $13.70 pd
151 JGB Factoring GMBHLC RS Merc. $5.60 pd
152 Broadview Networks $381.49 pd
153 Smile Makers $66.87 pd
154 Lisa Fassett $8.30 pd
155 Otsego Telephone System Inc. $75.00 pd
156 Postage and mileage $42.30 pd
157 MVLAR Conference $100.00 pd
158 United States Treasury $49.82 pd
159 Bruce Hall Home Center $117.14 pd
160 National Grid $1,657.48 pd
161 Verizon $69.80 pd
162 RH Crown Co. $143.09 pd
163 Tri-County Communications $143.09 pd
164 Jaird Johsnon $32.98 pd
165 Otsego County Treasurer $50.00 pd
166 Vets Disposal $55.54 pd
167 Dorothy Johnson $32.16 pd
168 Suburban Propane $644.27 pd
169 US Postal Service $222.05 pd
170 Gates Cole Associates $1,002.00 pd
171 NYS Public Goods Pool-HC $393.00 pd
172 Medical Arts Press-HC $43.11 pd
173 Quill Corp.-HC $27.85 pd
174 Highmark Medical Services-HC $487.00 pd
175 Medical Arts Press-HC $175.51 pd
176 Transcription Associates-HC $818.40 pd
177 Bassett Healthcare-Hc $17,623.00 pd
178 Logical Net-HC $17.95 pd
179 Cherry Valley Hardware-HC $122.39 pd
180 Suburban Propane-HC $511.10 pd
181 Otsego Telephone System Inc.-HC $240.00 pd
182 Ikon Financial Services-HC $196.91 pd
183 RBS, Inc.-HC $250.00 pd
184 Quill Corp.-HC $84.49 pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 9-13
Item 3 57-74
Item 4 11
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.
Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of February $5,564.24.
Community Center update given by Mary Beth Flint. Spring sports have ended and will start again in the fall. Scouts are currently still using the facility.
Alden Field report give by Supervisor Garretson. Concession stand is open for the soccer and Little League season.
Health Center report given by Supervisor Garretson. The fee schedule has been modestly increased. AED equipment is being purchased by Bassett to install at the Health Center. $3,200 was raised for the Heart/Run walk.
Building report by Supervisor Garretson. Heat alarms need to be updated. ABS will be contacted.
Cherry Valley Facilities Corp. report given by Marion Holmes. The Facilities Corp. is operating with an approximate $22,371.87 deficit. Fund raising efforts are currently being worked on.
Village report given by Supervisor Garretson. Correspondence from Time Warner was read.
Shared services: Verizon is going to run 6 new telephone lines for the new Clerks’ office.
Land Purchase for Visitor Center is progressing.
Planning Board report given by Walter Buist. Subdivisions approved for Rob Lee. Walter spoke with DEC regarding a citation given to Planning Board by Elexico is valid. Elexicao needs to abide by local road weight limitations.
County Representative Phil Durkin reported the Tax refund is a 4-part step with two of the steps being complete. Its all Good Health Food Store in Cherry Valley has been approved for an IDA industrial Loan. Emergency Communications infrastructure needs to be updated. May 26 from 9-11am at the Cherry Valley Town Barn will be constituent’s day.
Supervisor Garretson reported more copies of the Comprehensive Plan were made available to the general public of the Town.
Special Town Board Meeting Minutes for April 30, 2007 were read and approved.
Karen Sullivan of the County Planning Board handed out information entitled What the Comprehensive Plan is and isn’t!
A work session for the Comprehensive plan will be Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 6:00pm at the Town Barn, Cherry Valley.
There will be a seminar at the Otesega, Cooperstown, NY on June 1, 2007 the topic will be Local Land Use Law.
Highway Superintendent Ed VanDerwerker reported the culverts are in which were purchased through the State contract. The Town saved approximately $1,000.00.
Supervisor Garretson stated the parking lot to the shared Clerk’s office will be paved and the offices will be handicapped accessible in the near future. The Basketball court at Alden field will need to be paved as well.
Supervisor Garretson received correspondence from a concerned citizen regarding the accumulating litter on County Route 54 and State Route 166. Kevin Flint, Deputy
Superintendent of County the County Highway Department was present at the Town Board meeting and stated the County has an Adopt a Highway program for all County Roads. Any organization interested in adopting a County Highway needs to contact his office and the County Highway department will supply everything they need to do the clean up of the road. State highway 166 would have to be done through the State highway department.
Supervisor Garretson stated he met with two local politicians, Kirsten Gillibrand and Marc Butler, to discuss what they might be able to do for Cherry Valley in the future in respect to a septic system, health insurance, finishing the basketball court at Alden field, little league dugouts and alternative renewable energy.
Letter received from the NYSDOT Master Federal-Aid and Local-Aid Project Agreement to perform the Design, Right-of-way, Construction and Construction Supervision and Inspection work for the Cherry Valley Tourist Center, Route 20 Scenic Byway. S-Garretson stated the Town would not incur any expenses. Funding is in place for reimbursement to the Town in 4-6 weeks of each stage of the project. Grant monies are in place for operational costs. The Tourist center is designed to be open 12 months out of the year.
Letter received from ECC Technology Co. specializing in renewable energy.
RESOLUTION for Cherry Valley Tourism Center
WHEREAS, a Project for the Cherry Valley Tourism Center P.I.N. 9009.17 (the Project) is eligible for funding under Title 23 U.S. code, as amended, that calls for the apportionment of the costs of such program to be borne at the ratio of 49.84% Federal funds and 20.16% non-federal funds; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Cherry Valley desires to advance the project by making a commitment of 100% of the Federal and non-Federal share of the costs of the Construction, Construction Supervision and Inspection work.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Town of Cherry Valley Board, duly convened does hereby
RESOVED that the Town of Cherry Valley hereby approves the above-subject project; and it is hereby further
RESOLVED that the Town of Cherry Valley Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor of Cherry Valley to pay in the first instance 100% of the Federal and non-Federal share of the cost of Construction and Construction Supervision and Inspection work for the Project or portions thereof; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Cherry Valley is hereby
authorized to execute all necessary Agreements, Certifications or reimbursement request for Federal Aid and /or Marchiselli Aid on behalf of the Town of Cherry Valley with the New York Stat Department of Transportation in connection with the advancement or approval of the Project and providing for the administration of the Project and the municipality’s first instance funding of Project costs and permanent funding of the local share of federal-aid eligible. Project costs and all Project costs within appropriations therefore that are not so eligible, and it is further
RESOVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be filed with the New York State Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement in connection with the Project and it is further
RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2007-1 entitled Cherry Valley Tourism Center. Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. A vote of yes and no was taken: Supervisor Garretson-Yes, Councilperson Johnson-Yes, and Councilperson Cornwell-Yes. 3Yeses 0 No’s. The resolution is adopted.
Question and Comments were received by the public present.
Motion to adjourn is made by Councilperson Cornwell and seconded by Councilperson Johnson.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:31PM
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk

TB Meeting July 12, 2007

TB Meeting July 12, 2007
The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, July 12, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:03PM by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the Flag was said.
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P
Minutes of the June 2007 meeting were read and corrected. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as corrected.
Bills for the month of July are presented:
215 Dorothy Johnson $73.69
216 Postmaster $96.00pd
217 Fredy Herr $102.55pd
218 Tri-County Communications, Inc. $179.10pd
219 JB Supply $117.21pd
220 Excellus $5,273.53pd
221 Excellus $487.78pd
222 National Grid $1,060.75pd
223 Verizon $497.00pd
224 CASEBP $103.70pd
225 Dan Kiesow $60.00pd
226 The Daily Star $20.70pd
227 Thomas Garretson $27.99pd
228 Cordia Communications $93.88pd
229 Vet’s Disposal $56.38pd
230 NYS Association of Towns $110.00pd
231 AFLAC $166.80pd
232 Bond Schoeneck and King, PLLC $40.00pd
233 United States Treasury $214.28pd
234 Cherry Valley Hardware $48.27pd
235 Broadview Networks $114.63pd
236 Green and Green Attorneys at Law $517.00pd
237 Norm Crowley $95.01pd
238 Coca Cola Enterprises $157.30pd
239 Bassett Healthcare-HC $23,469.37pd
240 Ikon Financial Services-HC $196.91pd
241 Logical Net-HC $17.95pd
242 Transcription Associates-HC $1,037.95pd
243 Medical Arts Press-HC $213.12pd
244 Quill Corp.-HC $100.81pd
245 RBS, Inc-HC $179.00pd
246 Lisa Fassett-HC $30.22pd
247 Postmaster-HC $134.00pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (21-26)
Item 3 (91-104)
Item 4 (11-12)
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.
Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of April 2007 is $4,957.40.
Community Center update given by Mary Beth Flint: The Community Center is in need of bumpers for the bottoms of the chairs to protect the gym floor and approximately 5 more tables should be ordered to accommodate large functions.
Alden Field: Supervisor Garretson reports spring soccer league is over.
Health Center: Supervisor Garretson reported the expected income for the month of June at the Health center is $29,905.00 and the current income is $31,066.00.
Town Facilities report given by Supervisor Garretson. A new computer has been ordered for the Town Supervisor with updated software through RBS.
Cherry Valley Facilities Corp report given by Supervisor Garretson: The daycare director has resigned effective July 13, 2007.
Village shared services: Supervisor Garretson reported the Flag donated by the American Legion at the last Town Board meeting is displayed in the Village/Town Clerks Office. Supervisor sent the Legion a letter of thanks and appreciation. Supervisor Garretson will be checking on a Fire Proof file cabinet for the Town Clerk’s Office.
Visitor Center: Supervisor Garretson reports the paperwork is with the State.
Planning Board report given by Walter Buist: Planning Board received permit from the DEC for Elexico for drilling on Schekles property.
Land Purchase is ½ complete. Supervisor Garretson will contact Ryan Associates regarding the fencing to be installed.
County Representative Phil Durkin reported refund checks would be in the mail. Upcoming topics will be Social Services Sex Offender Law. There will be a Public Hearing Wednesday, July 19, 2007
Highway Department Superintendent VanDerWerker will contact Keith McCarty to get an estimate for paving the handicapped entrance into the new-shared offices. Superintendent VanDerWerker will also inquire about the Basketball Court at Alden Field.
Dog Control Officers report for the months of April and May are on file with the Clerk’s office.
New Business: Resolution stating the Justice’s Books has been audited.
Selection of Citizen Committees for recommendation and advice on the following topics:
· Land Use
· Alternative Energy
The following names have been appointed to the Land Use Committee: Jim Johnson-Chairman, Walt Buist, Richard Page, Lou Guido and Tom McCarthy. Motion made by Councilperson Jim Johnson to accept the names as read for the Land Use Committee. Councilperson Cornwell second the motion. Motion carried.
The following names have been appointed to the Alternative/Renewable Energy Committee: Mark Cornwell-Chairman, Ed Harvey, Kim Thompson, Paul Mendolsen and Matt Utter. Motion made by Councilperson Cornwell to accept the names as read for the Alternative/Renewable Energy Committee. Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Footnote: Ed VanDerWerker will serve as an unofficial member of the Land Use Committee.
Rolls of both Committee’s are exploratory and advisory. Both of these Committee’s must adhere to the Open Meetings Law.
Correspondence received and read by Supervisor Garretson:
A petition was served to the Town Clerk to be distributed to the Board of Review (BAR), Town of Cherry Valley and the Town Assessor from American Tower Corp. The petition is in regards to the assessment on their property. Supervisor Garretson presented the petition to Lynn Green the Town Attorney.
Time Warner is extending their temporary operating authorization until December 2007.
Memorandum received from Terry Bliss, Planning Director for the County in regards to the Town’s recyclable bins being used for items other than recyclables.
Memorandum received from Joy Bailey, Administrative Assistant at the County, in regards to Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event. This will take place on September 7 and 8 at the NYS DOT Work Yard in the City of Oneonta on NYS Route 7. Saturday, September 8 from 8am-2pm will be County Households and on Friday, September 7 from12-2pm will be Small businesses. Poster will be displayed in the Town Clerk’s bulletin Board. Copies will also be given to the Village Clerk to have available.
Supervisor Garretson will be placing letters around town at local Businesses explaining the Town Board meetings and how to contact him with questions or concerns.
Questions and Comments were entertained by the public present.
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to adjourn Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk


  DRAFT ONLY TB MEETING DEC 12, 2024 The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday December 12, 2024 with meet...