TB Meeting May 10, 2007
The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, May 10, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:10PM by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the Flag was said.
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P
Minutes of the April 2007 meeting were read and corrections were made. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as read.
Bills for the month of April were presented:
138 NYS Employee Taxes $639.73 pd
139 NBT Bank $9,448.69 pd
140 AFLAC $166.80 pd
141 Dan Kiesow $60.00 pd
142 Suburban Propane $1,007.21 pd
143 Broadview Networks $368.11 pd
144 Excellus $487.78 pd
145 Excellus $5,273.53 pd
146 NBT Bank $33,504.00 pd
147 US Postal Service $234.05 pd
148 William T. Ryan Associates $2,325.30 pd
149 Cordia Communications $93.91 pd
150 Otsego County $13.70 pd
151 JGB Factoring GMBHLC RS Merc. $5.60 pd
152 Broadview Networks $381.49 pd
153 Smile Makers $66.87 pd
154 Lisa Fassett $8.30 pd
155 Otsego Telephone System Inc. $75.00 pd
156 Postage and mileage $42.30 pd
157 MVLAR Conference $100.00 pd
158 United States Treasury $49.82 pd
159 Bruce Hall Home Center $117.14 pd
160 National Grid $1,657.48 pd
161 Verizon $69.80 pd
162 RH Crown Co. $143.09 pd
163 Tri-County Communications $143.09 pd
164 Jaird Johsnon $32.98 pd
165 Otsego County Treasurer $50.00 pd
166 Vets Disposal $55.54 pd
167 Dorothy Johnson $32.16 pd
168 Suburban Propane $644.27 pd
169 US Postal Service $222.05 pd
170 Gates Cole Associates $1,002.00 pd
171 NYS Public Goods Pool-HC $393.00 pd
172 Medical Arts Press-HC $43.11 pd
173 Quill Corp.-HC $27.85 pd
174 Highmark Medical Services-HC $487.00 pd
175 Medical Arts Press-HC $175.51 pd
176 Transcription Associates-HC $818.40 pd
177 Bassett Healthcare-Hc $17,623.00 pd
178 Logical Net-HC $17.95 pd
179 Cherry Valley Hardware-HC $122.39 pd
180 Suburban Propane-HC $511.10 pd
181 Otsego Telephone System Inc.-HC $240.00 pd
182 Ikon Financial Services-HC $196.91 pd
183 RBS, Inc.-HC $250.00 pd
184 Quill Corp.-HC $84.49 pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 9-13
Item 3 57-74
Item 4 11
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.
Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of February $5,564.24.
Community Center update given by Mary Beth Flint. Spring sports have ended and will start again in the fall. Scouts are currently still using the facility.
Alden Field report give by Supervisor Garretson. Concession stand is open for the soccer and Little League season.
Health Center report given by Supervisor Garretson. The fee schedule has been modestly increased. AED equipment is being purchased by Bassett to install at the Health Center. $3,200 was raised for the Heart/Run walk.
Building report by Supervisor Garretson. Heat alarms need to be updated. ABS will be contacted.
Cherry Valley Facilities Corp. report given by Marion Holmes. The Facilities Corp. is operating with an approximate $22,371.87 deficit. Fund raising efforts are currently being worked on.
Village report given by Supervisor Garretson. Correspondence from Time Warner was read.
Shared services: Verizon is going to run 6 new telephone lines for the new Clerks’ office.
Land Purchase for Visitor Center is progressing.
Planning Board report given by Walter Buist. Subdivisions approved for Rob Lee. Walter spoke with DEC regarding a citation given to Planning Board by Elexico is valid. Elexicao needs to abide by local road weight limitations.
County Representative Phil Durkin reported the Tax refund is a 4-part step with two of the steps being complete. Its all Good Health Food Store in Cherry Valley has been approved for an IDA industrial Loan. Emergency Communications infrastructure needs to be updated. May 26 from 9-11am at the Cherry Valley Town Barn will be constituent’s day.
Supervisor Garretson reported more copies of the Comprehensive Plan were made available to the general public of the Town.
Special Town Board Meeting Minutes for April 30, 2007 were read and approved.
Karen Sullivan of the County Planning Board handed out information entitled What the Comprehensive Plan is and isn’t!
A work session for the Comprehensive plan will be Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 6:00pm at the Town Barn, Cherry Valley.
There will be a seminar at the Otesega, Cooperstown, NY on June 1, 2007 the topic will be Local Land Use Law.
Highway Superintendent Ed VanDerwerker reported the culverts are in which were purchased through the State contract. The Town saved approximately $1,000.00.
Supervisor Garretson stated the parking lot to the shared Clerk’s office will be paved and the offices will be handicapped accessible in the near future. The Basketball court at Alden field will need to be paved as well.
Supervisor Garretson received correspondence from a concerned citizen regarding the accumulating litter on County Route 54 and State Route 166. Kevin Flint, Deputy
Superintendent of County the County Highway Department was present at the Town Board meeting and stated the County has an Adopt a Highway program for all County Roads. Any organization interested in adopting a County Highway needs to contact his office and the County Highway department will supply everything they need to do the clean up of the road. State highway 166 would have to be done through the State highway department.
Supervisor Garretson stated he met with two local politicians, Kirsten Gillibrand and Marc Butler, to discuss what they might be able to do for Cherry Valley in the future in respect to a septic system, health insurance, finishing the basketball court at Alden field, little league dugouts and alternative renewable energy.
Letter received from the NYSDOT Master Federal-Aid and Local-Aid Project Agreement to perform the Design, Right-of-way, Construction and Construction Supervision and Inspection work for the Cherry Valley Tourist Center, Route 20 Scenic Byway. S-Garretson stated the Town would not incur any expenses. Funding is in place for reimbursement to the Town in 4-6 weeks of each stage of the project. Grant monies are in place for operational costs. The Tourist center is designed to be open 12 months out of the year.
Letter received from ECC Technology Co. specializing in renewable energy.
RESOLUTION for Cherry Valley Tourism Center
WHEREAS, a Project for the Cherry Valley Tourism Center P.I.N. 9009.17 (the Project) is eligible for funding under Title 23 U.S. code, as amended, that calls for the apportionment of the costs of such program to be borne at the ratio of 49.84% Federal funds and 20.16% non-federal funds; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Cherry Valley desires to advance the project by making a commitment of 100% of the Federal and non-Federal share of the costs of the Construction, Construction Supervision and Inspection work.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Town of Cherry Valley Board, duly convened does hereby
RESOVED that the Town of Cherry Valley hereby approves the above-subject project; and it is hereby further
RESOLVED that the Town of Cherry Valley Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor of Cherry Valley to pay in the first instance 100% of the Federal and non-Federal share of the cost of Construction and Construction Supervision and Inspection work for the Project or portions thereof; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Cherry Valley is hereby
authorized to execute all necessary Agreements, Certifications or reimbursement request for Federal Aid and /or Marchiselli Aid on behalf of the Town of Cherry Valley with the New York Stat Department of Transportation in connection with the advancement or approval of the Project and providing for the administration of the Project and the municipality’s first instance funding of Project costs and permanent funding of the local share of federal-aid eligible. Project costs and all Project costs within appropriations therefore that are not so eligible, and it is further
RESOVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be filed with the New York State Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement in connection with the Project and it is further
RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2007-1 entitled Cherry Valley Tourism Center. Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. A vote of yes and no was taken: Supervisor Garretson-Yes, Councilperson Johnson-Yes, and Councilperson Cornwell-Yes. 3Yeses 0 No’s. The resolution is adopted.
Question and Comments were received by the public present.
Motion to adjourn is made by Councilperson Cornwell and seconded by Councilperson Johnson.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:31PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk