Saturday, November 3, 2007

TB Meeting September 13, 2007

TB Meeting September 13, 2007
The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday, September 13, 2007 with meeting called to order at 7:06PM by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the Flag was said.
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P
Minutes of the August 2007 meeting were read and corrected. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as corrected.
Bills for the month of August are presented:
298 Thomas Garretson $96.12pd
299 AFLAC $166.80pd
300 Lisa Fassett-HC $4.80pd
301 RBS, Inc. $250.00pd
302 NYS Public Goods Pool $323.00pd
303 Logical Net $17.95pd
304 Jaird Johnson $57.23pd
305 Broadview Networks $277.62pd
306 Dan Kiesow $60.00pd
307 Lisa Fassett-HC $35.63pd
308 Transcription Associates $758.70 pd
309 The Copy Shop $163.19pd
310 Andrew Criscola $75.60pd
311 The Daily Star $9.45pd
312 Cordia Communications $95.58pd
313 Tiffany Thompson $150.00pd
314 Courtney VanBrink $75.00pd
315 Nick Traficante $75.00pd
316 Christian McGrath $150.00pd
317 Ryan Schukis $75.00pd
318 Mallory Garretson $75.00pd
319 Vets Disposal $56.51pd
320 Verizon Wireless $196.53pd
321 US Postal Service $232.60pd
322 Hummel’s Office Supply $1,566.70pd
323 Bassett Healthcare-HC $18,295.93pd
324 Excellus BC/BS $487.78pd
325 Verizon $115.32pd
326 Excellus $5,085.39pd
327 National Grid $1,181.76pd
328 Ikon Financial Services $196.91pd
329 Lisa Fassett-US Postal Service $13.80pd
330 Postmaster $108.00pd
331 Quill Corp. $150.80pd
332 Smile Makers-HC $81.32pd
333 Mary Beth Flint -Petty cash $50.00pd
334 US Postal Service $36.00pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (30-34)
Item 3 (117-132)
Item 4 (15-16)
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 3 yes 0 no. Motion carried.
Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of June 2007 is $5,568.85.
Information presented to the Town Clerk by Supervisor Garretson is as follows:
Correspondence received from the Town Attorney, Lynn Green, regarding Liquor License for the Triangle Tavern.
Supervisor Garretson received a telephone call from Elizabeth Trever Buchinger regarding grant writing.
Alden Field: Supervisor Garretson contacted Sherry France, reminding her to find someone to line the soccer fields for next season.
Health Center: Supervisor Garretson reported the expected income for the month of August at the Health center is $27,262.00 and the current income is $20,708.00. .
Town Facilities report: Courtesy notification from the Town of Sharon Springs regarding a Verizon Tower being installed on Route 10.
Land Use Committee report given by Walter Buist. Lou Guido was replaced with Carol Minich and Julie Barrone has also joined the committee. Introductory meeting was held on August 16, 2007. Reviewed the Land Use in the Comprehensive Plan as well as the past survey conducted. They also referred to the
Book, American Farmland Trust. The next meeting will be September 24, 2007 with Terry Bliss attending from the Otsego County Planning Board.
Alternative Renewable Energy Committee: Councilman Cornwell states the Committee met on September 4. There was a unanimous vote to invite Empire Wind and Tom Golisano to speak to the Alternative Renewable Energy Committee.
The talk at the Community Center was well attended and went well.
County Rep Phil Durkin reports the tax refund checks are going out on September 28, 2007. The NYS Courts will be taking over the Annex Building in Cooperstown. The Oneonta Courts will be closing and moving to Cooperstown. Verizon would like to put up 6 cell towers. The County Board opted to table hiring a Budget Advisor. Mr. Durkin’s next constituents night will be September 27 5-7pm.
Planning Board: Walter Buist stated there was not a quorum at the August meeting. Elexico finished drilling at the Schekels property and there were no incidences.
Highway Department: Ed and Tom reviewed the Snow and Ice contract and they do not feel the reimbursement from the State will be enough to cover expected expenses.
Primary Day is Tuesday, September 18, 2007 from noon to 9:00pm.
Dan Gallagher contacted supervisor Garretson by e-mail to offer the front lawn of the Tryon to be used for a Farmer’s market.
Supervisor Garretson asked for a motion to accept Resolution 2007-5, Proposed action to increase the Town Board from 3 to 5 members; Councilperson Cornwell made such motion and Councilperson Johnson second the motion. A discussion took place before the Roll Call vote was taken. Question: Did Lynn Green, Town Attorney, word the Resolution? Answer: Supervisor Garretson worded the Resolution. Supervisor Garretson stated the Resolution is subject to permissive referendum. A petition can be presented with the next 30 days opposing the resolution.
Roll call vote was taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, and Councilperson Cornwell-yes. 3 yes votes and 0 no votes. Resolution 2007-5 is duly carried.
Supervisor Garretson asked for a motion to accept Resolution 2007-6, September 13, 2007 proposed action support of Home Rule in regards to proposed amendments to Article X; Councilperson Johnson made such motion, Councilperson Cornwell second the motion. Roll call vote was taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes,
Councilperson Johnson-yes, and Councilperson Cornwell-yes. 3 yes votes and 0 no votes. Resolution 2007-6 is duly carried.
Supervisor Garretson received one letter of interest for the position of Town Assessor. Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept Kassandra Cade as the new Town Assessor, Councilperson Johnson second the motion. All present were in favor with no objections. Motion carried. Kassandra Cade will begin her 6-year term on October 1, 2007. Term will expire on September 30, 2013.
Questions and Comments were entertained by the public present.
Andy Minnig asked Supervisor Garretson to go over the mechanics of the permissive referendum definition for Resolution 2007-5 increasing the Town Board members from 3 to 5?
Donna Latella co-owner of The Teepee asked if the grant received for the proposed visitor center is site specific or can the grant be used at any location? Ms. Latella presented a petition from Cherry Valley residents as well as visitors to her business to not block the panoramic view.
Margaret Lunzman did give an update regarding the visitor center; June Barwick is working on a RFB for a consultant. The style of the building has not been decided as of yet. A hop style barn as been suggested. An Architect would need to check out the land. There will need to be handicapped access to the whole building.
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to adjourn Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:26pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk

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