Saturday, November 15, 2008

TB Meeting October 09, 2008

TB Meeting October 09, 2008

The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday, October 09, 2008 with meeting called to order at 7:03PM by Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the Flag was said.

Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson A
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Ed VanDerWerker Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P

Minutes of the September 2008 meeting were read. Supervisor Garretson approved the minutes as corrected.

Bills for the month of October 2008 are presented:
415 Logical Net $17.95pd
416 Kassandra Cade-Laymon $215.00pd
417 Gruver, Zweifel and Scott, LLP $6,000pd
418 Cinta’s Corp. $185.80pd
419 The Daily Star $24.90pd
420 RL Parsons Inc. $300.00pd
421 Cordia Communications $95.32pd
422 Cherry Valley Hardware $237.41pd
423 Verizon Wireless $98.52pd
424 Keith McCarty $2,190pd
425 National Grid $1,122.03pd
426 Verizon $186.45pd
427 Calendars $24.07pd
428 Mercury Media Group $38.00pd
429 Cherry Valley Fireman’s Auxiliary $100.00pd
430 Mark Cornwell $160.00pd
431 The Penny saver $72.00pd
432 Road Runner LLC $74.95pd
433 Casella Waste Service $60.92pd
434 Ikon Financial Services $196.91pd
435 Bassett Healthcare $24,755pd
436 Excellus BC/BS-Hwy Dental $231.72pd
437 Excellus BC/BS-General Dental $256.06pd
438 Excellus BC/BS-Hwy Medical $3,731.97pd
439 Excellus BC/BS-General Medical $2,077.72pd
440 Rury’s Food Store $152.00pd
441 Transcription Associates $853.35pd
442 Hummel’s Office Plus $36.01pd
443 Susan Schaffer $22.67pd
444 NY Public Goods $587.00pd
445 Coca-Cola Enterprises $176.53pd
446 Hughes Net $86.59pd
447 Robert Jorgensen Jr. $200.00pd
448 Gates Cole Associates $154.00pd
449 RBS Inc. $250.00pd
450 Broadview Networks $195.97pd

Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (25-28)
Item 3 (140-149)
Item 4 (18)

Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Supervisor Garretson seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 2 yes 0 no. Motion carried.

Information presented to the Town Clerk by Supervisor Garretson is as follows:
Thank you from the Firemen’s Auxiliary
Town share of monthly County sales tax collected for the month of July 2008 is $5,502.14.

Community Center update given by Mary Beth Flint: Locks have been changed. Payment in full received from the Opera. Received partial payment from the WIC program.

Alden Field: Concession stand is very successful so far this season.

Miscellaneous Information and review goals for 2008.
Facility Maintenance Supervisor job description is still pending.
Williamson Town Clerk Software is still pending, however Supervisor Garretson believes this is the best software to go with.

Health Center:
August Revenue $28,681; Expenses $37,604.
Dayle Barra has been hired as Health Center Secretary and Sue Schaffer is promoted to Health Center Manager.
Ed Harvey appointed Village Trustee
Kelly Finch handed in his resignation

Town Facilities:
Paraco propane tanks installed at the Town Barn and Court Office.
New meeting room (old locker rooms) renovation proceeding
State grants (Deb Whiteman) to update/renovate court room

Visitor’s Center:
Fund raising campaign underway for operating expenses
DOT Real Estate Specialist, Jennifer Donlin working on property lease.

Highway Department:
Pay loader is being built and will be shipped within the next 10 days.

Land Use Committee:
Still reviewing sample Land Use documents from other Townships.

Alternative/Renewable Energy Committee:
Councilman Johnson reported on the information meeting regarding Land Leases for Gas Drilling by Mr. Zaengle.

Resolution 2008-6 Snow and Ice-NYS DOT and Town of Cherry Valley
Proposed Action: Snow and Ice Agreement between NYS DOT and the Town of Cherry Valley

Whereas, the New York State Department of Transportation and the Town of Cherry Valley have entered into agreement #D010680 entitled “Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and the Town of Cherry Valley dated January 14th 1997, and

Whereas, the present term of the agreement as previously extended, expires June 30th 2008, and

Whereas, the said agreement provides for an annual update of the estimated expenditure to be determined by NYS DOT, and
Now, therefore be it resolved: The aforementioned Indexed Lump Sum Snow and Ice Agreement between the New York State Department of Transportation and Town of Cherry Valley is hereby extended for a period of one year; now to expire on June 30th 2009, and

Further be it resolved: The indexed lump sum estimated expenditure of the aforementioned agreement shall be $3784.95 per lane mile for 12.6 lane miles for a total of $47690.38 for the 2006-2007 season and for the reminder of the term of the agreement, unless changed by a future update.

Motion made by Councilperson Johnson to accept Resolution 2008-6 Snow and Ice Agreement second by Supervisor Garretson. Roll Call vote is taken Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, and Councilperson Cornwell-absent. Resolution is duly carried.

There will be a public hearing for the 2009 Preliminary Budget for the Town of Cherry Valley on November 13 at 7:00 o’clock PM at the Town Barn, Main Street, Cherry Valley, New York.

Question and comments from the public present:

Andy Minnig inquired about getting copies of the Budget. Also where are the renovations for the Court Room taking place? Mr. Minnig also has concerns that the Health Center is not accepting new clients and feels Town Residents should be able to use the facility.

Lynn Marsh asked the Highway Superintendent, Mr. Vanderwerker, how the Porath road situation with the missing sign is progressing?

Motion made by Councilperson Johnson to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Supervisor Garretson meeting adjourned at 7:58PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk

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