Saturday, April 27, 2024

TB MEETING April 11, 2024


TB MEETING April 11, 2024


The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday April 11. 2024 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson


Pledge to the Flag was said


Roll call of Officers was taken:

Tom Garretson-Supervisor P

Jim Johnson-Councilperson P

Ed VanDerwerker-Councilperson P  

Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P

Holly Waterfield-P

Highway Superintendent Marty Field-P

Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk-P


Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.    


Presentation of invoices and payments:


24 Quill Corporation $795.97pd

25 Leona Johnson $140.00pd

26 Ricoh USA Inc $72.86pd

27 Medicare Part A $107.79pd

28 Spectrotel $373.74pd

29 National Grid $355.61pd

30 Quill Corporation $105.93pd

31 Quill Corporation $628.94pd



63 Amy Garretson $817.56pd

64 Elan Financial Services $123.12pd

65 US Postal Services $812.65pd

66 RL Parsons Inc $4,603.64pd

67 Hometown Hauling $43.25pd

68 American Wholesalers $106.70pd

69 Bruce Hall Corp $31.79pd

70 Charter Communications $99.95pd

71 Charter Communications $84.95pd

72 Spectrotel $416.27pd

73 Tri-County Communications Inc $179.10pd

74 Cintas Corporation #121 $361.60pd

75 National Grid $966.97pd

76 American Wholesalers $102.89pd

77 Excellus BC/BS $312.68pd

78 Drogen Electric Supply $462.12pd

79 United Healthcare $17.65pd

80 ABM Fire Equipment Inc $84.00pd

81 Millers Cleaning Service $777.60pd

82 Kassandra Cade-Laymon $36.18pd

83 Hummel’s Office Plus $121.34pd

Voided check 15505


Highway Vouchers:

Item 1 (296-287)

Item 3 (731-739)

Item 4 (213-215)


Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson VanDerwerker seconded the motion.  The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted.   All in favor 5 yes 0 no


Presentation of Invoices and Payments:

  • Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances


Misc. information to the Town Clerk:

  • Otsego County Sales Tax for the month of FEB $6,997.97
  • Otsego County Snow and Ice 11/23&12/23) $14,615.00
  • Thank you received from Museum
  • Thank you received from Fireman’s Auxiliary


Community Center/Alden Fields and Park:

  • Rentals are up at the Community Center
  • Biddy Basketball has ended
  • Dodgeball Tournament scheduled on Saturday


Village: Town and Village Board Minutes and info-

  • Village Mayor/Trustee-Update


Town Planning:

  • Frank McGrath and Ciera Utter gave an update on the proposed solar project going up on County Route 54.  Will need to get the Escrow account started.
  • The Town will also need some kind of 3rd party code enforcement officer.
  • Frank McGrath also inquired about if our Assessor would be interested in being contracted to do some land assessments for the local neighbors? 
  • There will need to be another account for the maintenance of the Roads to keep them at a minimal standard

 Highway Department:

  • HSF stated he received quotes back for another truck they are approximately $250,000-280,000 with 12-18 months for completion.
  • Motion made by Councilperson VanDerwerker to have Highway Superintendent Field proceed with buying a new truck for 2025 2nd by Councilperson Johnson all in favor 5-yes 0-no
  • Broom has been delivered.
  • Liz Glowicki is present at tonight’s meeting to voice her opposition of paving North Road would prefer to leave it as a dirt road.
  • Price quote to replace the covert on Campbell Road $7,000


Motion made by Councilperson VanDerwerker to have the Highway Superintendent proceed with buying a new truck for 2025 2nd by Councilperson Johnson.  All in favor 5-yes and 0-no

Motion carried.


Councilperson Cornwell has introduced Resolution 2024-3


Resolution 2024-3 of the Cherry Valley Town Board


PROPOSED ACTION:  Required escrow account created by the Town of Cherry Valley for the Carson Power Solar Project


WHEREAS:  The Town of Cherry Valley planning board is currently in the process of reviewing an application from Carson Power for a solar project; and


WHEREAS:  The Town of Cherry Valley will have expenses associated with the process (lawyer, engineer, planning consultant, and misc expenses); and


WHEREAS:  Carson Power will pay for all expenses associated with the solar project; and


NOW, THEREFORE, BEIT RESOLVED:  The Town of Cherry Valley has created an escrow account with NBT bank.  Carson Power will deposit a minimum of $25,000. Into newly created escrow account and will replenish the account to the $25,000. Amount if the account is reduced to 20% of the opening amount.


Motion made to adopt Resolution 2024-3 by Councilperson VanDerwerker and 2nd by Councilperson Waterfield all in favor 5-yes opposed 0-no.


Roll call vote is taken:  Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Waterfield-yes Councilperson Cornwell-yes


5-yes 0-no


Resolution 2024-3 duly carried.


Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2-minute limit per request



Motion made by Councilperson Waterfield to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Councilperson VanDerwerker


There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:57PM.



Town Board meeting will be Thursday, May 09, 2024 7:00PM


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk

Town Board meeting was recorded










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