TB meeting February 9, 2012
The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday, February 9, 2012 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the Flag was said
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson Supervisor P
Mark Cornwell Councilperson P
Jim Johnson Councilperson P
Chris Barown Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker Highway Superintendent P
Tracy Laughlin Councilperson Excused
Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P
Reading of last months minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented. Any corrections can be made to the Town Clerk.
Presentation of invoices and payments:
38 State Comptroller $1,685.00pd
39 Verizon Wireless $99.24pd
40 Cherry Valley Hardware $122.16pd
41 RL Parsons Inc $3,842.74pd
42 Susan Schaffer $150.00pd
43 Medical Arts Press $167.47pd
44 Otsego Telephone Systems Inc $315.00pd
45 Ikon Office Supply $69.00pd
46 Postmaster $42.00pd
47 Cintas Corporation #121 $278.02pd
47 Cintas Corporation #121 $278.02pd
48 Paraco Gas $1,021.01pd
49 Susquehanna SPCA $220.00pd
50 DCH Enterprises $935.85pd
51 Cornerstone Telephone Company $386.72pd
52 Ikon Financial Services $196.91pd
53 Paraco Gas $159.43pd
54 The Daily Star $20.70pd
55 National Grid $1,096.02pd
56 Augur, Patricia $118.74pd
57 Mary Beth Flint $108.73pd
58 Postmaster $100.00pd
59 Edward VanDerWerker $78.92pd
60 Excellus BC/BS $140.20pd
61 Time Warner Cable $74.95pd
61 Time Warner Cable $74.95pd
62 Bassett Healthcare $33,746.37pd
63 Dorothy Johnson $338.60pd
64 US Postal Service $509.50pd
65 Mary Beth Flint $240.00pd
66 Medical Arts Press $82.35pd
67 Public Goods Pool $453.00pd
68 Gates Cole Associates $22,524.80pd
69 Williamson Law Book Company $660.00pd
70 NYS Magistrates Association $160.00pd
71 Hughesnet $64.99pd
72 Dorothy Johnson $30.97pd
73 Otsego County Hwy Superintendent Assoc. $160.00pd
74 Otsego County Code Enforcement $50.00pd
75 Medical Arts Press $159.92pd
76 M Wheelock Disposal $44.50pd
77 RBS Inc $175.00pd
78 MVP Health Care, Inc $821.98pd
79 NYS Retirement System $22,000.00pd
80 NBT Bank $43,974.52pd
81 Lyman and James Johnson $2,400.00pd
82 Cherry Valley Facilities Corp. $2,700.00pd
83 American Legion Post 1360 $470.00pd
84 Cherry Valley Library $8,000.00pd
85 Cherry Valley Historical Association $9,000.00pd
86 Sue Miller $340.00pd
87 Cherry Valley Fireman’s Auxiliary $100.00pd
88 Silver and Gold Seniors $100.00pd
89 Roseboom Area Senior Citizens $100.00pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (3)Item 3 (19-31)
Item 4 (3-5)
Councilperson Johnson made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as read Councilperson Cornwell seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 4 yes 0 no. Motion carried.
Presentation of Invoices and Payments:
- Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances. Supervisor Garretson stated revenue is up for the beginning of the year. Councilperson Barown asked why so quick this year? Supervisor Garretson surmised people wanted to pay their taxes early.
- Health Center had an excellent month as well.
- State Retirement went up. Councilperson Barown inquired about the FEMA money as to when is we will get the FEMA money and how much? Highway Superintendent VanDerWerker stated we will be getting it and he does not know how much. The FEMA money should be enough to cover the materials and labor needed to do repairs incurred by Hurricane Irene. The Town is still responsible for 12-½% of the total cost of the repairs. The Federal Government pays 75% of the cost.
Miscellaneous Information presented to the Town Clerk by Supervisor Garretson is as follows:
- Town share of monthly County sales tax collected for the month of Nov 2011 is $8,256.01
- NYS Taxation and Finance approved the $5/parcel reimbursement aid for the reevaluation. There will be a check for $5,340.00. Councilperson Barown asked if the Town will get this reimbursement check every year if we make adjustments. This question was deferred to Kassie Cade Laymon, Town Assessor. Kassie stated she believes we get some kind of reimbursement but not the full 5% it keeps going down.
Community Center/Alden Fields and Park:
- Winter Carnival planned for the first weekend of March. All weekends in March are currently booked.
- Opera has not yet contacted the Director to book rehearsal dates. Raising the hourly rate for the Opera has been discussed due to the amount of time the Opera is using the facility in regards to electric and water use. Mary Beth will contact the Board of Directors for the Community Center and have a discussion regarding the Opera rates.
Town Facilities:
- Review of Town Facilities with William Ryan and Associates on January 16. Supervisor Garretson met with Jeff Stiles to review each Town Facility starting with the Health Center. The South wall is a cold wall and spray insulation will be installed. The current generator in place in case of a power failure takes a long time to start up to preserve the pharmaceuticals that need to be kept refrigerated. If the power goes off for any length of time you could be loosing $4,000 worth of pharmaceuticals. Supervisor Garretson is getting an estimate for a stand by automatic generator. Jeff inquired when the septic tank had been pumped. This may need to be done as well. Nobody seems to remember it being pumped. Supervisor Garretson contacted Mike Stocking of Stocking Stalls and he has the Health Center scheduled for spring to do the pumping.
- Supervisor Garretson gave Jeff the go ahead to tighten up the wall at the health center and take care of the windows in the Gym at the Community Center, which means fixing the panels and buying thermal panes. Also Jeff will be building a wall with an insulated door with a cold space between the historic doors and the new door. This is to preserve the look of the front of the building with the historic doors left intact. Town Court we are going to wait on to see if that grant goes through and if it doesn’t go through Supervisor Garretson will be giving Jeff the go ahead to go ahead with the revisions to the Town Court Room. Also Jeff will build a loft out in the garage area for Ed to store Town Highway stuff he needs to store instead of in the storage room.
- Town Clerk inquired about the file cabinet the assessors had used during the reval. The assessor still uses this cabinet but will clean out another cabinet she has to see if she can make room for Town Clerk files.
- Town and Village board minutes online @ cherryvalleyny.us
- Trustee Flint invited the Board to the March meeting to review the lease for the building as a whole. Next Village Board Meeting is March 19 @ 7:00PM in the Village/Town Clerk’s office.
Visitor’s Center:
- Supervisor Garretson recently sent a letter to Barb Thomas at DOT and Ken Baldwin @ Foit-Albert to put a hold on the project. The money will be there up to 10 years as long as they, the State, receives one invoice per year and that can be for postage. Supervisor Garretson feels we don’t want to do this and Councilperson Barown stated the longer we wait the more expensive it is going to be. Barb Thomas did say the money that the State has already reimbursed us for would probably have to be paid back unless Supervisor Garretson got somebody at the State level to get it waived. Supervisor Garretson plans on working on this and will be doing some talking to some people. Councilperson Barown is not convinced the Board received good bids. Supervisor Garretson stated even if we got half of what the bid was he does not feel good about putting up a structure of this size for over $300,000. Councilperson Cornwell also stated every time Foit-Albert has to put out specs for bid that’s another $8,000 each time they do this. Councilperson Cornwell inquired asking the State to give us the land instead of leasing the land. This would release the Town from having the building built to State specs and the Town can hire a private contractor.
Planning Board:
- Tavis sent Supervisor Garretson an email outlining his Consulting Services for 2012. Councilperson Cornwell inquired having Tavis look for possible grant money to help out with the improvements on the windows in the gym. Supervisor Garretson stated Tavis had mentioned there are currently no grants out there for anything right now. Councilperson Cornwell stated he would give Tavis a call to discuss this issue.
- Tavis will be attending the Delta Road Use Protection Program meeting.
Highway Department:
- Supervisor Garretson handed Superintendent of highways the budgeted amount for CHIPS.
- Beth Rosenthal, County Rep, presented a brief overview of what has been going on at the County and how the County Board works.
Public hearing for Local Law 2012-1 will be rescheduled for the March meeting.
Question and comments from the public present:
Howard Young inquired about the Town’s Insurance has this been reviewed by the Board for the cheapest rate. Also has there been any interest in the vacancy on the Planning Board. The recommendation has to come from the chairman and the Town Board makes the appointment. Mr. Young stated he has contacted Walter Buist, Planning Board Chairman, and being that he has been out of Town Mr. Buist has not contacted Supervisor Garretson yet. Mr. Young also inquired about the website for the Town there seems to be several out there with different information and have not been updated.
Motion to adjourn-Councilperson Barown Seconded by Councilperson Cornwell.
There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:47PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk
Town Board minutes were recorded.
Town Board minutes were recorded.
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