Saturday, May 22, 2021


DRAFT ONLY TB MEETING MAY 13, 2021 The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday May 13, 2021 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson. Pledge to the Flag was said Roll call of Officers was taken: Tom Garretson-Supervisor P Jim Johnson-Councilperson P Ed Vanderwerker-Councilperson P Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P Holly Waterfield-P Highway Superintendent Marty Field-P Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk-P Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected. Presentation of invoices and payments: HEALTH CENTER FUND 36 Public Goods Pool $529.00pd 37 Century Linen $31.11pd 38 Ricoh USA Inc $17.80pd 39 RL Parsons Inc $1,022.86pd 40 Spectrotel $288.56pd 41 Ricoh USA Inc $72.87pd 42 Century Linen $19.85pd 43 National Grid $159.08pd 44 Constellation Newenergy Inc $97.13pd 45 American Wholesalers $51.99pd GENERAL FUND 78 NYS Taxation and Finance $319.05pd 79 Jaird Johnson $1,332.02pd 80 The Daily Star $64.00pd 81 US Postal Service $64.00pd 82 Spectrotel $362.77pd 83 RL Parsons Inc $2,241.62pd 84 Spectrum Enterprise $79.95ps 85 Cintas Corporation #121 $306.33pd 86 Spectrum Enterprise $79.95pd 87 National Grid $586.33pd 88 On Time Waste $52.00pd 89 Excellus BC/BS $659.58pd 90 Hummel’s Office Plus $42.16pd DRAFT ONLY TB MEETING MAY 13, 2021 91 Constellation Newenergy Inc $165.39pd 92 Mary Beth Flint$16.00pd 93 United Healthcare $45.77pd Voided check 14164 Highway Vouchers: Item 1 (143-148) Item 3 (347-360) Item 4 (144-145) Councilperson Waterfield made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 5 yes 0 no Presentation of Invoices and Payments: • Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances. Misc. information to the Town Clerk: • Sales Tax for the month of MAR check from the County $9,345.50 Community Center Alden Field and Park: • Gym remains closed until the ceiling and roof can be inspected. Health Center: • Doing well. Town Planning Board: • Supervisor Garretson received first invoice from Nan Stolzenburg. • Councilpersons Waterfield and Cornwell reported they received the first draft of the proposed Solar Law from Nan. The Board will review and give Nan feedback on the draft and suggest any changes and or additions needed. Councilperson Waterfield gave a more in-depth report on the maps also provided by Nan. Councilperson Cornwell also reported on what would be considered a small, medium or large private Solar Field per parcel. All of these things need to be considered especially when presenting the final Draft to the public at a Public Hearing. Village: • Town and Village Board Minutes and info- Highway Department: • Need to replace the culvert on Dietsche Road. Highway Superintendent Field is gathering prices for the culverts which will come to approximately $15,000 by the time they get done with the installation of the culvert it will be approximately $30,000 to $40,000. HSF is looking into the CHIPS funds for the culvert project. DRAFT ONLY TB MEETING MAY 13, 2021 • Also gave an update on Kniskern and Wilson roads that are currently being worked on. Hoose and Palmer road are completed. • New tractor will be here next week • The international truck brought $2,500. Supervisor Garretson distributed information on the DUNS (data universal numbering system) number for grants. Also, information regarding The Americans with Disability Act regarding the curbs being cut for handicapped accessibility. Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2 minute limit per request Howard Young inquired about a Town ordinance regarding numerous rotting cars on a private residence land that may be affecting surrounding water supplies on neighboring property. The Board is taking this under advisement and will contact the Town Attorney to send a letter. Andy Minnig reported on Artworks will be having a sculpture trail this summer. Films behind the Museum will not be happening due to darkness happening so late that this may be disturbing to neighbors. Councilperson Waterfield reported she didn’t write a letter to Spectrum regarding Broad Band services for the area; however, she saw in the news some legal things are moving along. She still plans on writing a letter. Frank McGrath reported he wrote a letter to Congressman Delgado’s office as well as the New York State Teachers Association and New York State School Board Association should be pushing for plans on what their responsibilities will be moving forward in the future. Cell Tower on Rendering Works Road has been updated by AT&T. Cell service is still a challenge within the Town. Motion to adjourn- Councilperson Cornwell Seconded-Councilperson VanDerwerker There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:45PM. Next Town Board meeting is JUNE 10, 2021 AT 7:00PM Respectfully submitted, Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk Town Board minutes were recorded.

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