Saturday, December 18, 2021




The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday December 09, 2021 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson. 


Pledge to the Flag was said


Roll call of Officers was taken:

Tom Garretson-Supervisor P

Jim Johnson-Councilperson P

Ed VanDerwerker-Councilperson P

Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P

Holly Waterfield-P

Highway Superintendent Marty Field-P

Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk-P


Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.    


Presentation of invoices and payments:


113 US Postal Service $1,385.10pd

114 Constellation Newenergy Inc $136.93pd

115 National Grid $143.13pd

116 Spectrotel $277.32pd

117 RL Parsons Inc $341.42pd

118 Ricoh USA Inc $72.87pd

119 American Wholesalers $104.70pd

120 Bassett Healthcare $36,581.80pd

121 Public Goods Pool $363.00pd

122 Ricoh USA Inc $17.80pd

123 Quill Corporation $808.24

Voided check 1719



202 Bruce Hall Corp$2,238.24pd

203 Hummels Office Plus $42.16pd

204 Spectrum Enterprise $74.95pd

205 Cintas Corporation #121 $286.84pd

206 Spectrum Enterprise $89.95pd

207 The Daily Star $69.54pd

208 Constellation Newenergy Inc $183.35pd

209 National Grid $240.84pd

210 Spectrotel $369.86pd

211 Kassandra Cade-Laymon $24.88pd

212 Excellus BC/BS $525.32pd



213 Charlie Gaughan $200.00pd

214 Hummels Office Plus $38.36pd

215 On Time Waste $72.00pd

216 United Healthcare $17.18pd

217 US Postal Service $354.95pd

218 State Comptroller $5,914.00pd

Voided check 8537


Highway Vouchers:

Item 1 None

Item 3 (426-435)

Item 4 (156-157)


Councilperson Waterfield made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion.  The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted.   All in favor 5 yes 0 no


Presentation of Invoices and Payments:

  • Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances.


Misc. information to the Town Clerk:

  • Otsego County Treasurers check for Sales Tax for the month of OCT $7,266.07
  • Otsego County Treasurers check for Mortgage Tax for 3 months $8,302.04
  • U.S. Specialty Insurance Co check from Wells Fargo $3,980.00 for lightening strike to the Health Center this past summer
  • Will need to swear in reelected candidates at January meeting.
  • Scott Moxham from On Time Waste is retiring.


Community Center Alden Field and Park:

  • Gym area will reopen on December 15, 2021
  • Biddy Basketball will resume with Games in January, February and first part of March
  • Rentals starting to come in for 2022


Misc. Updates:

  • With the recent fire that took place on Chestnut Street County Route 34A the Fire Marshal from Binghamton came out to investigate and immediately condemned the property.  National Grid was contacted and cut the wires and pulled the meters.  A week later the wires are hooked up and the meters are back in.  Supervisor Garretson is delegating Councilperson Waterfield and Councilperson Cornwell to find out why the electricity was reconnected after the Fire Marshal condemned the property.  Start with County Codes and DEC.





Town Planning Board:

  • Planning Board had their joint meeting with the Village Planning Board
  • Fran McGrath attended the meeting and Lorraine Bosma is drafting the procedures and guidelines for the next Planning Board meeting on Tuesday, December 21.


Highway Department:

  • Highway Superintendent Field reported in order to have the speed limit reduced on County Highway 54 there needs to be a resolution from the Town Board and then a state study needs to be done.
  • Resident on the corner of Ray Mower Road is inquiring about the speed zone on this road.  Speed limit signs need to be posted.
  • Truck is still on schedule to be delivered the second week in January 2022.
  • Currently there are two candidates for the upcoming vacant position on the Town Highway.



  • Supervisor Garretson gave an update on the American Rescue Plan Act.  Supervisor Garretson contacted the State for guidance.  State sent a document outlining how the money should be used to finance for non-budget expenditures.  These monies are not prohibited from being used for reoccurring expenditures. Which means the Town’ annual money for the library, the museum and etc.  This money can be used for the recent repairs to the Community Center Gymnasium ceiling.


Supervisor Garretson spoke to Bill Waznuski of the Route 20 Scenic Byway to have the Pomeroy signs put up to direct tourists to the Cherry Valley cut off. 


Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2 minute limit per request


Theri Jo Climenhaga, Superintendent of the Cherry Valley Springfield Central School, is inquiring about the Biddy Basketball program and will there be a mask mandate put in place for the coaches, players and spectators.  She inquires because other school Superintendents have called to ask the question because their biddy basketball players use the school facility and they are required to wear masks in the public school.  Because the Community Center is not a public school what will be the policy of the Community Center?  Supervisor Garretson stated currently there isn’t a mandate in place and can be left up to the parents and coaches to police how they want to proceed.  Councilperson Waterfield in favor of being consistent with the surrounding area schools who are mandating mask wearing for a safe environment.  Their Jo is sharing the major concerns of the surrounding schools.  Mary Beth Flint, Community Center board member and scheduler will contact the Board of directors for the gym to discuss how to move forward with mask wearing.


Their Jo Climenhaga also gave an update on the school is moving forward with a School based health center.




Motion made by Councilperson VanDerwerker to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Councilperson Cornwell.


There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:54PM.


Next Town Board meeting will be Thursday, JANUARY 13, 2022 7:30PM


 Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk

Town Board minutes were recorded.









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