Saturday, October 8, 2022




The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday September 08, 2022 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson


Pledge to the Flag was said


Roll call of Officers was taken:

Tom Garretson-Supervisor P

Jim Johnson-Councilperson P

Ed VanDerwerker-Councilperson P  

Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P

Holly Waterfield-P

Highway Superintendent Marty Field-P

Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk-P


Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.    


Presentation of invoices and payments:


89 US Postal Service $290.00pd

90 Constellation Newenergy Inc $524.66pd

91 National Grid $191.80pd

92 Spectrotel $283.65pd

93 Public Goods Pool $9,824.00pd



202 Miller’s Cleaning Service $920.40pd

203 Carmember Service$38.88pd

204 Burce Hall Corp $177.60pd

205 The Daily Star $39.63pd

206 Cinta’s Corporation #121 $267.70pd

207 Hummel’s Office Plus $10.34pd

208 Spectrum Enterprise $89.95pd

209 Spectrum Enterprise $74.95pd

210 US Postal Service $355.70pd

211 Spectrotel $418.92pd

212 National Grid $262.69pd

213 Hummel’s Office Plus $185.29pd

214 US Postal Service $74.00pd

215 ACCO Brands Direct $31.00pd

216 Susquehanna SPCA $200.00pd

217 NYS Association of Towns $900.00pd

218 Excellus BC/CS $301.25pd

219 Constellation Newenergy Inc $641.56pd

220 Tri-County Communications Inc $1,340.91pd

221 State Comptroller $1,986.00pd

222 United Healthcare $17.65pd

223 Caleb Rockwell $175.00pd

224 US Postal Service $13.50pd

225 American Wholesalers $175.30pd


Highway Vouchers:

Item 1 (216-223)

Item 3 (516-525)

Item 4 (175)


Councilperson VanDerwerker made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson Waterfield seconded the motion.  The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted.   All in favor 5 yes 0 no


Presentation of Invoices and Payments:

  • Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances.


Misc. information to the Town Clerk:

  • Supervisor Garretson received an email from Tammy Thompson regarding a dangerous dog situation in the Village.
  • Email from NYS Division of Homeland Security accepting the Town’s adopted FEMA requirements.
  • Supervisor Garretson received a letter from Helios Care (formerly Hospice) respectfully submitting a request for any unallocated funds from the ARP funds to consider donating to Helios Care.


Community Center Alden Field and Park:

  • Retirement dinner for Maureen Kuhn 9/17
  • Kite Fest 9/23-9/24





Town Planning Board:

  • NA


Highway Department:

  • Highway Superintendent Field received truck quotes back from some dealers.
  • Sign went up on Route 20
  • HSF is trying to get prices on a chipper.
  • HSF called the County about getting children at play signs.  The Town is not allowed to put up these signs and the County does not make these signs.  HSF checked the Municipality and traffic website and the reasons are explained on the website why Towns should not engage in putting up these signs. 
  • Tree on Willie O’Neil road needs to come down.  It is in the Town’s right of way.
  • Gorman’s did a nice job paving for the Town.
  • Plows are getting painted
  • HSF is researching prices for chippers



  • Dave Bliss County Rep gave an update on County business.  County is delegating some of the American rescue plan fund money the County received to Towns that have projects they need funding for.
  • The recyclable bins continue to be an issue for the Town


Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2 minute limit per request



Chris Anderson introduces himself as a new resident of the Town.  He is also the director of research and programming for the Association of Towns.


Phil Durkin updated Center Valley news with the ATV situation has become active again. Mr. Durkin will be presenting his concerns to the Joint Planning Board next week.


Motion made by Councilperson Johnson to go into executive session at 8:05PM.

Motion to leave executive session made by Councilperson Waterfield 2nd by Councilperson Cornwell at 8:20PM


Motion made by Councilperson VanDerwerker to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Councilperson Johnson


There being no further business meeting adjourned at 8:20PM.


Next Town Board meeting will be Thursday, October 13, 2022 7:00PM


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk

Town Board meeting was recorded











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