The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday August 11, 2022 with meeting called to order at 7:00PM by Supervisor Garretson
Pledge to the Flag was said
Roll call of Officers was taken:
Tom Garretson-Supervisor P
Jim Johnson-Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker-Councilperson P
Mark Cornwell-Councilperson P
Holly Waterfield-P
Highway Superintendent Marty Field-P
Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk-P
Reading of last month’s minutes will be dispensed of and minutes accepted as presented and or corrected.
Presentation of invoices and payments:
78 US Postal Service $647.50pd
79 Quill Corporation $120.36pd
80 Ricoh USA Inc $72.87pd
81 Spectrotel $292.92pd
82 RL Parsons Inc $17.54pd
83 National Grid $157.04pd
84 Ricoh USA $17.80pd
85 Quill Corporation $525.89pd
86 Ricoh USA Inc $72.87pd
87 United Healthcare $21.55pd
88 US Postal Service $1,738.40pd
166 Cardmember Service $38.88pd
167 Bruce Hall Corp $277.32pd
168 NYS Town Clerks Association $85.00pd
169 Spectrum Enterprise $74.95pd
170 Charter Communications $89.95pd
171 Spectrotel $371.85pd
172 National Grid $266.15pd
173 Cintas Corporation #121 $340.42pd
174 ABM Fire Equipment Inc $180.00pd
175 Excellus BC/BS $301.25pd
176 Stephanie Whiteman $315.00pd
177 Brin Whiteman $315.00pd
178 Kailey Barnes $315.00pd
179 Morgan Huff $315.00pd
180 Jonathan Gridley $280.00pd
181 Ethan All $315.00pd
182 Caleb Rockwell $175.00pd
183 Kaitlyn Jicha $175.00pd
184 Constellation Newenergy Inc $287.20pd
185 NYS Unemployment Insurance $411.81pd
186 United Healthcare $17.65pd
187 Miller’s Cleaning Service $842.40pd
188 Deb Whiteman $450.00pd
189 State Comptroller $3,343.00pd
190 JB Supply $167.35pd
191 Jeff Stiles Contractor $5,239.38pd
192 Stephanie Whiteman $315.00pd
193 Brin Whiteman $245.00pd
194 Kailey Barnes $350.00pd
195 Morgan Huff $245.00pd
196 Jonathan Gridley $140.00pd
197 Ethan All $175.00pd
198 Caleb Rockwell $350.00pd
199 Kaitlyn Jicha $175.00pd
200 Alex Rockwell $70.00pd
201 Deb Whiteman $500.00pd
Highway Vouchers:
Item 1 (209-215)
Item 3 (508-514)
Councilperson Cornwell made a motion to accept the invoices and payments as presented, Councilperson Waterfield seconded the motion. The invoices and payments have been presented and accepted. All in favor 5 yes 0 no
Presentation of Invoices and Payments:
- Budget reviewed as well as NBT Account balances.
Misc. information to the Town Clerk:
- Otsego County Treasurers for Sales Tax for the month of JUNE $8,893.81
Community Center Alden Field and Park:
- Minimal activity for the month of July
- Alumni Banquet was held in early July
- Town and Village Board Minutes and info- www.cherryvalleyny.us
Town Planning Board:
- NA
Highway Department:
- Highway Superintendent Field met with DOT down at the twin tubes on Supervisor Garretson’s Road. The tubes need to be replaced as they are considered a critical mass. The stream bed is classified as a 7 and the Town needs to have a plan in place for high water events until these tubes can be replaced.
- The Town is on the list for another truck
- J R Decker has a pick-up truck ready to bid on for the Town tomorrow, unfortunately we do not have any 3 quotes from 3 dealers to give to J R to be able to bid on the truck. A discussion was held by the board and the Town has decided to let this truck go and bid on the next one and have the quotes ready to go. Unable to use Kelly Blue Book prices.
- Resolution 2022-5 Otsego County Hazard Mitigation Plan is presented to the board. Motion to accept Resolution 2022 Otsego County Hazard Mitigation Plan is made by Councilperson VanDerwerker and 2nd by Councilperson Johnson.
Roll call vote is taken: Supervisor Garretson-yes, Councilperson Johnson-yes, Councilperson VanDerwerker-yes, Councilperson Cornwell -yes and Councilperson Waterfield-yes 5-yes 0-no Duly carried
Public Questions, Comments and concerns…………..2 minute limit per request
Motion made by Councilperson Waterfield to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Councilperson Johnson
There being no further business meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.
Next Town Board meeting will be Thursday, September 08, 2022 7:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint, Town Clerk
Town Board meeting was recorded
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