Saturday, February 24, 2007

JULY 13, 2006


The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday, July 13, 2006 with the meeting called to order at 7:05pm by Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the flag was said.

Roll Call was taken: Tom Garretson-Supervisor P

Jim Johnson-Councilperson P

Fabian Bressett-Councilperson P

Ed VanDerwerker-Highway Superintendent P

Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk P

Supervisor Garretson read a prepared Town Board Statement regarding the rules of public participation for tonight’s meeting. There will be no question or comments at the conclusion of tonight’s meeting.

Minutes of the June 2006 meeting were read and approved. One correction to the minutes is as follows; change Athletic Banquet to Alumni Banquet.

Bills for the month of June are presented:

#147 Williamson Law Book $ 23.36

148 Mary Beth Flint 94.52

149 Fredy A. Herr 86.70

150 Tri-County Comm., Inc. 179.10

151 Cordia 96.03pd

152 Carrot top Industries 411.47pd

153 Vets 55.39pd

154 The Daily Star 32.40pd

155 Alberta Deslets 150.00pd

156 Dan Kiesow 67.50pd

157 National Grid 694.71pd

158 Verizon 54.67pd

159 Broadview Networks 142.13pd

160 Broadview Networks 171.92pd

161 County of Otsego 35.50pd

162 Lyman & James Johnson-Lease SS 200.00pd

163 NYS Town Clerks Assoc. 50.00pd

164 Cordia 93.86pd

165 Dan Kiesow 60.00pd

166 Terri Adams 71.33

167 Jeff Stiles 83.03

168 Cherry Valley Hardware 13.49

169 Cherry Valley Hardware 37.29

170 Richfield Springs Mercury 26.02


#171 Broadview Networks $ 277.82pd

172 Quill 84.49pd

173 Rury’s 189.44pd

174 Logical Net 17.95pd

175 Bassett Healthcare-Mike Sweet 17,738.94pd

176 Cherry Valley Hardware 27.92pd

177 Suburban Propane 349.73pd

178 Transcription Associates 790.14pd

179 Lisa Fassett 5.00pd

180 Ikon 55.79pd

181 Rural Business Services 250.00pd

182 Lisa Fassett 33.58pd

183 National Grid 279.53pd

184 Allen Miller 220.00pd

185 Postmaster 87.00pd

186 Bassett Healthcare-Mike Sweet 25,862.54pd

187 Quill 96.87pd

188 Medical Arts Press 442.56pd

189 Broadview Networks 276.67pd

Highway Vouchers

Item 1 vouchers 16-21

Item 3 vouchers 92-106

Motion made by Johnson second by Bressett to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of April 2006 is $4,289.98.

Dog Control Officers report is unavailable.


Mary Beth Flint reported on the Community Center/Alden Field. She stated the Opera would be using the gym for voice rehearsals only for the month of July and the first and second week of August. Every weekend in July is rented out for private events.

A representative from the Village Board was unavailable.

Walter Buist represented the Comprehensive Planning committee and reported discussions were held with Highway Superintendent, Ed Van Derwerker regarding existing Town Roads as well as future roads planned. Sarah Childs also made a presentation regarding inventory, classifications and parcel maps.

Planning Board representative Liz Pymell presented the Town of Cherry Valley Planning Boards Minutes of June 2006. Minutes are on file with the Town Clerk.

Phil Durkin, County Representative reported on the recent flooding in the County. This has been the main focus. The transfer station will be accepting flood damaged goods and or debris. Mr. Durkin recognized the excellent job both the Town and County Highway Departments did during this natural disaster.

Supervisor Garretson gave a facilities report on the roofing project at the Community Center. The project is completed.

Supervisor Garretson read correspondence regarding the draft version of the Town and Village of Cherry Valley All Hazard’s Mitigation Plan. This plan can be reviewed until September 1, 2006 at the Otsego County Planning Department office, Cherry Valley Public Library or by appointment at the Cherry Valley Town Clerk’s office.


Resolution of the Cherry Valley Town Board

Whereas: due to the severity of the winter during 2005/2006 this municipality request that the municipal snow and ice agreement estimated expenditure be revised to reflect the additional lane miles of state roads that were plowed/treated during the winter season.

Whereas: all terms and conditions of the original contract extension remain in effect except the original estimated expenditure of $33,244.85 will have an additional index adjustment of $7,047.91 for a revised estimated expenditure of $40,292.76.

Resolved: this board authorizes Thomas Garretson-Supervisor to enter into amendment B which will adjust the 2005/2006 snow and ice indexed lump sum contract for a revised payment factor with the New York State Department of Transportation.

RESOLUTION #4-July 13, 2006

Motion to accept Resolution #4 made by Councilperson Bressett second by Councilperson Johnson. A vote of Aye or Nay by the board as follows: Garretson-Aye, Bressett-Aye, and Johnson-Aye. Resolution #4 passed.

At 7:30pm the Town Clerk opened two (2) sealed bids on the 2006 medium duty truck. The following bids were read:

Burr Truck & Trailer Sales, Inc. 2901 Vestal Road Vestal, New York 13850


Bid price for one GMC 500 4x4 Per Bid Spec $77,373.00

Trade allowance for Ford F550 17,500.00

Net Bid Price after trade 59,873.00

Make and Model of Chassis GMC 5500 4x4

Option #1-Tool Box Mounted Behind Cab For body to be properly installed

A) Steel Diamond Plate: $600.00

B) Aluminum Diamond Plate: $800.00

Option A or B is needed for proper installation of body

Bidder: Burr Truck and Trailer Sales INC.

By: Eric Snow-July 13, 2006

Bolan GMC/ISUZU Trucks 9411 Route 49 P.O. Box 347 Marcy, New York 13403

2006 GMC C5500 4x4 with, 9’ Dump Body, 2’ Aluminum Backpack and Snowplow per specifications from Wayne’s Welding, Inc.

Dealer Price $89,569.00

2001 Ford F550 Trade - 16,240.00

GMC Municipal Discount - 4,500.00

Total Bid *$68,789.00

Per attached specs. Please review exceptions


1) Paint cab Green in lieu of Red add $1,400

2) 11’ Dump body without backpack deduct $1,500


1) No Exhaust brake option

2) No power mirrors or windows

3) No driver air bag

Steven Bolan


Supervisor Garretson made a motion to allow Superintendent Van Derwerker to review bids. Councilperson Johnson second the motion. Motion Carried.

Supervisor Garretson read a letter from the Cherry Valley Planning Board requesting to enact a moratorium on all projects needing a full environmental assessment in order for the Town Comprehensive Plan to be completed. Plan to be completed within 6 months and for a complete review and revision of the town subdivision regulations, land use regulations and site plan review law, which is expected to take 12 months.

Supervisor Garretson announced a proposed local law #1 to be known as 2006/2007 Development moratorium law, Town of Cherry Valley, New York.

Councilperson Johnson made a motion to hold a Public Hearing to be held Monday, July 31, 2006 at 6:00 o’clock PM at the Town Barn, Cherry Valley, New York, and Otsego County. Councilperson Bressett second the motion. Motion carried.

Councilperson Bressett made a motion to hold a special Town Board Meeting Monday, July 31, 2006 at 6:00 o’clock PM at the Town Barn, Cherry Valley, New York and Otsego County. Councilperson Johnson Second the motion. Motion carried.

Supervisor Garretson read a prepared statement regarding the upcoming Public Hearing on the proposed local law #1 2006/2007 Development moratorium law, Town of Cherry Valley, New York as follows:

The required public hearing for this proposed local law, where your public comments will be accepted and documented will be on Monday, July 31, 2006 at 6:00 o’clock PM at this location-Town Barn.

At that time every member of the public will be allowed 2 minutes to go on the record stating their position as being for the town board’s proposed local law or against it.

You will not be allowed a second time to address the board, so be prepared to have your statement ready and presentable with the 2 minute timeframe.

The board will not be answering questions or addressing comments at this public hearing: we will only be documenting your position on the proposal.

If you have any questions about the proposed local law, please contact Supervisor Garretson before July 31 and he will answer your questions.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint

Town Clerk

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