The regular meeting of the Town Board of Cherry Valley was held on Thursday, June 8, 2006 with the meeting called to order at 7:05pm by Supervisor Garretson.
Pledge to the flag was said.
Roll Call was taken: Tom Garretson-Supervisor P
Jim Johnson-Councilperson P
Fabian Bressett-Councilperson P
Ed VanDerwerker-Highway Superintendent P
Mary Beth Flint-Town Clerk P
Minutes of the April 2006 meeting were read and approved.
Bills for the month of May are presented:
143. Pennysaver $ 41.40
144. Richfield Springs Mercury 7.67
145. Hummels 28.10
146. Regen, LLC-(Surveyor, Kevin Yerdon) 960.00
Highway Vouchers
Item 1 vouchers 10-15
Item 3 vouchers 83-91
Motion made by Johnson second by Bressett to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of March 2006 is $4,538.95.
Dog Control Officers report was read for information only for the months of April and May.
Mary Beth Flint reported on the Community Center/Alden Field. She stated the Opera would be using the gym for set rehearsals for the month of June and the first week up until the Thursday before the Athletic Banquet on Saturday July 8. She also reported a piece of the playground equipment is broke and needs to be repaired.
A representative from the Village Board was unavailable.
Supervisor Garretson reported that the Comprehensive Planning committee is planning to mail out a survey to every landowner in the Town in the near future.
Liz Plymell representative of the Town Planning Board reported the final public hearing on the Henry Whipple sub-division is complete. Jesse Ravage gave a presentation on the Lindsay Patent. Presentation is on file with the planning board.
Facilities Report unavailable.
Phil Durkin, County Representative reported the County Board has agreed to support a mobile Dental Office presented at the last County Board meeting. He touched on the topics of Bed Tax for the Baseball Camp and the Counties Gas cap. The County also voted on a resolution to support the proposed tourist center for Route 20. Mr. Durkin will be holding a constituents night on June 12 in Roseboom and July 10 in Cherry Valley.
June Barwick presented information regarding a grant request for the Tourism Information Center Building proposed for the Route 20 site. June presented a resolution for the Town Board to vote on.
Resolution #3
WHEREAs, US Route 20 and Otsego County 54 have been designated as New York State Scenic Byways, and this designation was supported by the Town and Village of Cherry Valley;
WHEREAS, the NYS Department of Transportation has announced the availability of funds as part of the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) of the SAFETEA-LU Federal Transportation Bill for the development of tourism facilities supporting the highway traveling public;
WHEREAS, the County Highway, Planning, Tourism and Economic Development Departments, the Village of Cherry Valley, the Greater Cherry Valley Area Chamber of Commerce, the Cherry Valley Historical Association, the Otsego County Board of Representatives, and the state and federal elected officials that represent Cherry Valley, are in support of this grant application;
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Cherry Valley does hereby support this grant application to the NYSDOT for Transportation Enhancement Program funds to build a visitor information center with full facilities as well as tourism guidance and historical and cultural displays.
Motion made by Johnson to accept Resolution #3 Second by Bressett, All in favor by a vote of Aye or Naye. Garretson-AYE Johnson-AYE Bressett-AYE. Carried.
Supervisor Garretson appointed the following people to an Engineering Consulting Service search Committee: Jim Johnson, Walt Buist, Lynn Marsh and Andy Minnig. Lynn Marsh withdrew her name from the committee.
Supervisor Garretson recommended MRT- Legal service for guidance with the Wind Ordinance Law. Lynn Green will continue to be the Town’s attorney for all other business. Motion to accept MRT services by Bressett Second by Johnson, motion carried. The Planning Board will ask that an Escrow account be set up through the developer as soon as an application is submitted.
Bus trip to Fenner is scheduled for Saturday June 17. The bus will leave Cherry Valley-Springfield Central School @ 9:00am and returning around 3:00pm. Terry Bliss-County Rep. is sponsoring the bus trip.
Presentation by Peggy Smith. Ms. Smith read a personal statement to the Town Planning Board.
Questions, Comments and Concerns was opened to the public:
Andy Minnig sent e-mail to Supervisor Garretson and Jeff Wait-Planning Board Chairman re: Land sales with wind turbines. Mr. Minnig also asked about the agenda for the bus trip.
Diane Wells stated Town of Sharon Springs is putting together a forum for pro and con wind turbine talk sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. A moderator will be present.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Beth Flint
Town Clerk
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