Saturday, February 24, 2007

May 11, 2006

TB Meeting May 11, 2006

The regular meeting of the Town of Cherry Valley Town Board was held on Thursday May 11, 2006 with meeting called to order at 7:04pm by Supervisor Garretson.

Pledge to the Flag.

Roll Call was taken:

Tom Garretson Supervisor P

Fabian Bressett Councilperson P

Jim Johnson Councilperson P

Ed VanDerwerker Highway Superintendent P

Mary Beth Flint Town Clerk P

Minutes of the April 2006 meeting were read. Corrections made. Motion made by Bressett second by Johnson to approve the minutes. Carried.

Bills for the month of May presented:

117 Verizon $11.05

118 Verizon 54.56pd

119 Vets Disposal 54.55pd

120 National Grid 819.17pd

121 Schwaab, Inc. 15.24pd

122 County of Otsego 14.50pd

123 Alberta Deselets 150.00pd

124 William T. Ryan Associates 99.79pd

125 William T. Ryan Associates 45.00pd

126 Cherry Valley-Springfield Cent. School 750.00pd

127 Otsego County Town Clerks Assoc. 20.00pd

128 Transcription Associates-HC 651.17pd

129 Ikon Office Solutions-HC 167.41pd

130 Broadview Networks-HC 302.68pd

131 Medical Arts Press -HC 119.60pd

132 Bassett Healthcare-Mike Sweet -HC 16,991.11pd

133 National Grid 454.51pd

134 Haggerty Hardware 67.29pd

135 Verizon Wireless 10.81pd

136 Donald C. Leitner-Hwy (Truck) $2,500.00pd

137 Suburban Propane 1,142.37pd

138 Cherry Valley Hardware-Hwy 137.29pd

139 Kiser Sand & Gravel-Hwy 7,742.00pd

140 Hanson Aggregates NY, Inc.-Hwy 383.24pd

141 Hanson Aggregates NY, Inc.-Hwy 773.52pd

142 Hanson Aggregates NY, Inc.-Hwy 2,883.76pd

Highway Vouchers

Item 1 (7-9)

Item 3 (69-85)

Motion made by Bressett second by Johnson to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Town share of monthly sales tax collected for the month of February 2006 is $6,849.99.

Dog Control Officers report is unavailable.


Community Center/Alden Field: Mary Beth Flint reported the Opera is set to occupy the gym from May 29 to July 6, 2006. July and August has many events scheduled. Alden Field is set for the upcoming Spring Soccer season as well as Little League.

Comprehensive Planning Committee Report given by Walter Buist: Finalizing the process of documentation for plan. Target date for Draft printing of the Comprehensive Plan is September 2006.

Town surveys have been partially distributed within the Town.

Planning Board report given by Liz Plymell: Public Hearing for the Henry Whipple subdivision planned for May 16, 2006 @ 7:30pm Cherry Valley Town Barn. Letter has been sent by the Planning Board to Otsego County Code Office to abide by the Town’s Land use laws.

Facilities Report given by Jeff Stiles: Jeff updated the Board on building upkeep and renovations. Report on file.

County Representative: Phil Durkin reports the County Board has signed up for Group Purchasing of prescription medication. In regards to County sales tax, the county would stand to lose approx. 1.1 million dollars in loss revenue if sales tax on clothing were to be discontinued.

Mr. Durkin is interested in having a Constituents night tentatively every 4th Thursday of each month.

Donna Yerdon presented a Grant proposal to acquire AED’s(Automatic Deliberator) for the Community Center, Post Office and possibly for Alden Field.

RESOLUTI0N #2: Tax Collector is granted the right to charge a $25.00 service fee for checks received with non-sufficient funds notices. Motion made by Johnson second Bressett to accept the resolution. Garretson-Aye, Johnson-Aye, Bressett-Aye. Resolution #2 passed.

Proposal received from Sara Child for Land Use Inventory for Cherry Valley. Motion to accept proposal by Bressett second Johnson. Carried.

Lindsay Patent Talk is scheduled for May 16 @ 7:00pm at the Cherry Valley Town Barn.

Supervisor Garretson presented information regarding Special Council for Town Planning Board as well as an Engineering Firm with regards to a Wind Turbine Project in Cherry Valley. MRT is a Law Firm located in Syracuse NY with specific background in Wind Turbine projects. It should be noted the Developer would pay for any and all fees incurred by the Town.

Councilperson Bressett asked to table any motions until further review of presented information.

Presentation given by Nicholas Pressley regarding: Environmental Impact Statement as well as the SEQR Scoping Option. Mr. Pressley touched on the following points:

§ Work plan review by DEC and Department of Health

§ What studies are being covered

§ Towns Benefit

§ Process can be tailored to the Lead Agency

§ Site Plan Application

§ Public Hearing

§ Lead Agency approves for denies final proposal

Mr. Pressley’s presentation is on file.

Motion made by Bressett to advertise in Town papers to seek bids for Medium Duty Truck for Highway Superintendent. Second by Johnson. Motion carried. Bids will be opened June 8, 2006 at 7:30pm.

Motion made by Bressett to install new roof at the Community Center over locker rooms at a cost of $8,500. Second by Johnson. Motion carried.

Kathleen Taylor, representative of the Cherry Valley-Springfield Board of Education, presented a letter sent to Supervisor Garretson asking the School Board be updated on any Wind Power application, which would affect the school district.

Question, Comments and Concerns:

June Barwick: Were the aforementioned proposal by Sara Child Bid out? Who suggested the Attorney and Engineering Firm? Supervisor Garretson: Town Attorney. Mrs. Barwick also inquired if Planning Board minutes will be available for review.

Andy Minnig: How do you see the function of Attorney and Engineer? Supervisor Garretson: Another tool for the Planning Board to use in regards to any Wind Turbine project proposal. Mr. Minnig is in favor of a Moratorium for any Wind Turbine project proposed. Mr. Minnig

also commented Planning Board members were absent for a Visual analysis conference held at the Otsega.

Liz Plymell: Was roof work bid out? Supervisor Garretson: Does not need to be bid out if under a certain quote.

Lynn Marsh: Commented on Supervisor Garretson’s letter to the Editor. She was offended and felt an apology should be forthcoming.

Cecile Weiner-Cohen: Commented letter was one-sided towards opposition.

Kathleen Minnig: Commented the opposition would not need to have attorneys present if Mr. Garretson cared about the opposition.

Peggy Smith: Commented a moratorium could still be issued after application received and should be addressed with the attorney.

Christie Hatcher: Read a statement of her personal view regarding Wind Turbine project.

Kathy Gordon: Questioned if Planning Board members are formally trained in Planning Board issues.

Diane Wells: Commented the Sharon Springs Town Planning Board is planning a Community meeting. Questions will Cherry Valley be doing the same?

Next months presentation will be: Introduction of Thomas Fucillo and Wayne Bunn

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth Flint

Town Clerk

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